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Okay these are new
This is my first piece done with my new tablet (Intuos2). It took about 7-8 hours total. I didn't do the background though, because if I had, the pic would've taken longer. The time probably would of doubled. This is a pic of Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings fighting an orc.
The following artwork was done in 2-3 years ago


My first artwork done it photoshop EVER!!! It's of Shadow (Final Fantasy 6/3 and the ninja class from FF Tactics.



Umm this one kinda stinks, except Mog (the flying dude). I meant look at Shadow's(the ninja dude) waist. Ohh I almost forgot, this is from Final Fantasy VI (III).

This is Ryu from the Street Fighter Series. Here, I didn't have my tablet yet, and I was experimenting with photoshop.



This is Sakura from the Street Fighter Alpha series, Street Fighter EX series, and the Capcom VS. series. I did this with the tablet (first tablet).


This the picture that I'm the most proud of most of all. I did it in the 7th grade. And all these other ones were done around the same time, but I put more heart into this one of Vivi from Final Fantasy IX.

©2002 D. Kennedy / Ifrit_Zero. -Please contact me to redistribute the content on the site!!!