Updated: August 12, 2001
Welcome to the Unofficial Guide to the Amalgam Universe, an encyclopedia of the Amalgam Universe, including everything from profiles on characters, places, organizations, and events in the Amalgam Universe, to issue-by-issue indexes of all Amalgam titles published, referenced, or mentioned.

Within the all-encompassing omniverse, there are two great universes - twin realms of imagination. They must be kept separate to maintain the cosmic balance.

From the beginning of time, there has always been a custodian of that task - the Access - a being with the power to travel from one universe to the other. Now the mantle of access has been passed to Axel Asher.

At the apex of the "brothers'" battle, the twin universes combined. This formed a single amalgamated universe. Through the efforts of Access, the universes separated again, the crisis diverted. Subsequently, the essence of the Amalgam Universe was placed within Access, for safekeeping.

[Comic Covers] [Comic Description] [DC/Marvel] [List of characters] [Trading Cards] [Other Stuff] [Biographies] [Headshots] [History] [DCU Animated]
A ll characters featured in the Unofficial Guide to the Amalgam Universe are copyrighted and/or trademarked, and owned by DC Comics and Marvel Comics. All characters featured herein and related elements, logos, symbols, etc. are owned by them unless otherwise stated and are used without permission.

The Unofficial Guide to the Amalgam Universe created bt TheAmalgam, 2001.