It was quite a gathering among brilliant minds throughout Neutron City, University.  A scientist stood in front of all the students presenting his lecture to the class.  The lecture was long a boring about ocean Eco-systems, but Dr. Simonson always had away of entertaining his students through the most boring of lecture.
     Dr. Simonson was a handsome older man with a firm jaw and wavy white hair.  He dressed quite casual in a three-piece suit and he was quick to the draw when a student asked him a question.  Bert Simonson was quite fond of a favorite student, Tonya Walsh.
     Tonya was bright, sexy and a delightful girl.  Deep down inside Dr. Simonson actually had a thing for her.  She was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen.  Tonya was about 5 foot 5, 125 lbs.  Mixed Caucasian and African.   She was the prettiest thing around Neutron University but Tonya was hopelessly in love with Simonson’s assistant, Dr. Michael Andrews.
     Michael was athletic, handsome with a full beard with dark brown wavy hair.  He was built like a body builder. He played football for Neutron University, and upon graduating he teamed up with Dr. Simonson.  Simonson introduced the two, he could have kicked himself but he knew that it was the perfect match from the beginning.
     After class, Tonya stayed behind to talk to Dr. Simonson who was eager to grade the term papers.  The classroom was a big hall like room with a coliseum type shape with benches and chairs all around the main desk that Dr. Simonson taught in the dead center. Tonya made her way down the stairs to the front of his desk as he was scribbling notes.
     “How late is Mike working tonight?” asked Tonya pulling her long yarn-like hair back behind her shoulders.  Simonson could feel her almost unearthly beauty shinning on him but he kept a stiff eye down, trying not to stare up at her to give away his feelings.
     “Late again,” Simonson said, “you’ll have to drop off supper to him tonight.  This damn new project we are working on is still dragging.  Got a few snags in the program,” Simonson said.
     “Snags,” Tonya smiled, “you are trying to create a real life version of the Sea quest television ship.  I am sure there will be more then a few snags along the way.”
     “My vision has been alive for ten years now,” Simonson replied, “the idea of actually sailing my ship to the depths of the ocean would be my dream.”
     “I think you read too many Jules Vern books,” Tonya chuckled.
     “We are close,” Simonson said, “keep it under your hat.”
     “You know me doc,” Tonya said, “I am not about to squeal to the first reporter I come across to.”
     Tonya smiled as she exited the classroom by moving up the long steps that lead to the main doorway with her books placed firmly to the side of her nicely shaped hip by her long arm.  Simonson gazed up to watch her walk away. This was no school boy crush, he was in deep love.

    Four hours later, we take you to the main laboratory of Dr. Simonson and his assistants.  Dr. Andrews is in the center of everyone bellowing out orders.   Two other guys besides them occupied the lab.
     Michael Leigh.  Michael is about nineteen.   He is a hotshot kid who is has an IQ of over 160 when it comes to computers and water craft engines.  He played on the weekends in a rock n roll band.  He was quite the looker. He had long black hair and pretty thin.    He was the best at what he did and Dr. Simonson spotted him in his class and asked him to work on the project with him.  Michael greatly excepted.
     Then there was Captain Steve Johnson.  Steve is a forty-year-old navy captain, who specialized in piloting underwater sub marines and navy ships.   He was about six-foot, who shaved his head in an almost butch fashion.  He had a thick walrus like mustache with streaks of gray throughout his hair.  He was very handsomely distinguished looking and very athletic.  He met Simonson years ago in Chicago during a seminar on Navy ships.  Simonson asked him to join the project when they hit it off and Johnson excepted. 
     Tonya entered the lab with a couple bags of McDonalds food. Dr. Andrews saw her and he immediately went to her side.  They embraced in a passionate kiss.
     “You’re lucky I did not leave,” Tonya laughed as they both entered Dr. Andrew’s main office to the left to have their supper in private.
     “What a nice ass,” Michael chuckled quietly as he peeped over the large engine, referring to Tonya as she walked into the office with Dr. Andrews, closing the door behind them.
     “Andrews would snap you like a twig if he knew you were talking about his woman like that,” Captain Johnson replied as he was tinkering with a carburetor engine not to far from Michael.
     “Come on buzz,” Michael laughed, “I am at my sexual peak according to Eighteen Magazine.  My testosterone is building up.”
     “Of course,” Captain Johnson sighed as he cracked open a can of Budweiser and took a sip.  He was all greasy from the engine.  He had a spot of engine grease on his nose.
     “Budweiser,” Michael said, “you should switch to MGD. Much better brew of beer.”
     “I’ve been drinking Budweiser since you were pissing in diapers kid,” Captain Johnson said, “much better then all that caffeine you’ve been sucking on all day.”
     Just then, Dr. Simonson entered the room. The two quickly shut up as he walked over to them.
     “Well how is the work?” asked Dr. Simonson.
     “Well it would appear to be a small error on Michael’s part. This ship would appear to be fully functional as soon as I clean out this engine,” Captain Johnson said.
     “Fully functional?” asked Dr. Simonson.
     “Yes sir,” Michael smiled, “I just tweaked the manifolds down and adjusted the main motherboard.  This dream of yours could be a reality in a few days.”
    Weeks later, all of the crew has assembled by the shore of the main harbor in the back of the laboratory.  Dr. Simonson and Captain Johnson have brought the ship that was as big as four city buses to the main shore with the aid of two giant cranes.
     Dr. Simonson had created special white and light blue uniforms for the crew that adjust into the main airlines of the underwater suits of the main underwater armor.  He was up to date on everything.  The crew had all entered the vessel, all excited. They all assumed their special seats waiting to head out on the first test run into the open sea on Dr. Simonson’s command.
    The ship sailed find above the water and even smoother as it dived under the sea.  Dr. Simonson was in complete awe at the mechanics that he dreamt as a boy, actually come to life before his eyes.
     Months later, as Neutron University closed for the summer.  Tonya joined the crew to study the ocean life with her boyfriend Dr. Andrews and her former teacher, Dr. Simonson.  The ship named, “The Amazer” went on a long sea exploration voyage into the deep of the Atlantic.  They would be submerged on the ocean floor for weeks; Tonya was completely in disbelief at all the excitement.
     Later, in Dr. Andrew’s private quarters on the ship. Tonya awakes during the hours of their sleep.  He is still fast asleep.  She had a terrible dream the ship sprung a leak and everyone was drowning.
     Tonya wiped the sweat from her head.  She checked the clock.  It was 4:00 am.  It wouldn’t be much longer and in another three hours the whole crew would be up for the day, studying the ocean.  They had been in the water for eight days already studying a bunch of weird relics that Dr. Simonson had discovered. The origin of the relics seemed unknown.
     Tonya threw on her robe and headed downstairs to the kitchen. She felt a little thirsty.  There appeared to be a light coming from the kitchen.  As she traveled down further to the kitchen it appeared to be occupied by Dr. Simonson.  He was up and feeding himself a bowl of Captain Crunch.
     “Tonya?” asked Dr. Simonson whose eyes were still focusing.
     “I didn’t think anyone would be up,” Tonya replied opening the refrigerator and grabbing the orange juice carton.
     “I can’t sleep,” Simonson said, “those relics have me stirred.  They remind me of something.  I know if we scour that whole area of the ocean floor we will find more just like it.”
     “They look like piece of roman pillars to me,” Tonya said, “broken Greek statues or something.”
     “I know,” Simonson said with a mouth full of Captain Crunch.
     “Mike thinks they are from a sunken Roman ship, a treasure?” asked Tonya.
     “We’d never be that lucky,” Simonson returned with a grin.
     “I am going back to bed,” Tonya said taking a sip from the glass of orange juice she poured, “still a little woozy from the wine Mike and I drank last night.”
     “Celebrating a little early?” asked Simonson.
     “Mike proposed,” Tonya smiled showing off her engagement ring.  Simonson’s eyes focused on the rock.
“I guess congratulations are in order?” asked Simonson.
     “Thanks doc, it means a lot coming from you,” Tonya replied with a smile.
     Just then, Dr. Mike Andrews entered the kitchen.  He was awake with a cheerful look on his face.
     “You know who my best man is?” asked Dr. Andrews.
     “Captain Steve?” asked Simonson.
     “Who else stupid, you are my first choice. Will you except?” Asked Andrews, “or do I have to kick your ass?”
     “Of course I will,” Simonson smiled as the two embraced in a friendly hug.
    “Thanks man,” Andrews said, “I would have no one else stand up for me.”

     Hours later, Simonson and Andrews have suited in their underwater pressure armor and they are exploring a high reading of energy coming north of where they found the relics.  On their helmets they have a powerful undersea light to guide their way in the dark ocean floor.
     Simonson slowly enters a sea cave, Andrews is right behind him.  They are in full communication with their communicators in their deep-sea helmets.
     “What do you see?” asked Andrews who had no view because of the awkward headpiece in the armor, “we are starting to lose communications in these caves.”
     “I see something,” Simonson said pressing up against a metallic object in the cave.  A side panel opened revealing two alien looking humanoids peering through what appeared to be a frozen glass panel of some sort.
    “This is no longer human,” Andrews added as he caught glimpse of the odd shaped faces peering back at them.
     “Indeed,” Simonson replied as he rubbed his hands across the ancient alien writing on the tubes.
     “My readings are picking up large amounts of radiation coming from those tubes,” Andrews said as he examined his underwater radiation detection device, “I am not sure the resistance these seals in these suits provide, so we’d better not mess around here too long.  Let’s log these coordinates and notify back home.”
     “This is my discovery,” Simonson said, “not theirs.”
     “We don’t have the equipment for this research,” Andrews said.
     “Do you love Tonya?” asked Simonson.
     “Of course I do,” Andrews said, “what do you mean by that?”
     “Because I love her also,” Simonson said, “You cannot marry her.”
     “What are you talking about?” asked Andrews, “is this a joke?”
     “Nice try,” Simonson said, “maybe next life time.”
     Simonson reached over and flipped the helmet release switch on Andrew’s helmet.  He started choking as seawater began to seep inside.  Andrews fell to his knees.  He could feel the radiation consume him.  Simonson quickly exited the sea cave.  Once he got outside, he activated the communications back to the ship and started to yell something about a cave collapse.
     Meanwhile, the radiation started to do some weird things to the dying Dr. Mike Andrews.  It basically started to consume him.   His body began to grow and the suit split into pieces. His skin began to dissolve and his body dissolved into the ocean floor, until he disappeared into the ground. Almost as if he melted away.

     Once aboard “The Amazer”, Simonson began to remove his entire armor.  The crew was frantic with questions.
    “What the hell? The cave collapsed?” asked Michael, “those suits are made of Titanium liners. He could be trapped in there.”
     Tonya was hysterical with sad emotion in Captain Johnson’s strong arms.  They whole crew was in shock.
    “I saw his helmet split open,” Simonson said, “if the sea water did not kill him the pressure from the floor did. I am sorry, there was nothing I could do.”
     “My God, Dr. Andrews is dead,” Michael said slumping down into the leather chair on the bridge of “The Amazer.”  He placed his hands over his eyes and began to weep.
     “There are possible alien races back there,” Simonson said, “I have to go back tomorrow, After I have rested up.”
    “We have to go back home,” Captain Johnson said, “we just lost a man.”
     “I will just char them on the computer,” Michael said looking up, “we can come back later.”
     “I am going back to my quarters,” Simonson said, “I will be up tomorrow bright and early. It is sad that we lost Dr. Andrews but we have to proceed as planned.   Science cannot wait.”
     Simonson left the room and proceeded to his quarters.
     “This is absurd,” Tonya spoke.
     “We’ll give him one more day, until then I think we can call it an official day at the office, he probably is in shock.  He just witnessed his best friend die,” Captain Johnson said leaving the bridge and heading to his quarters to mourn.

     Later that night, Tonya is tossing and turning in her empty bed she once shared with Dr. Andrews.  Tears roll down her eyes as she relives the memories of their relationship in her head.
     Just then, the door opens.  Tonya sits up as the light seeps into her dark room.  In her mind she is hoping that it is Mike returning and all right but it is Dr. Simonson.  His hair is messed up and he sits down at the foot of the bed.
     “Doc, did he feel any pain?” asked Tonya.
     “No, I don’t think so,” Simonson replied.
     Tonya began to weep in her hands.  She was a mess.
     “Tonya, I need to talk to you,” Simonson said.
     “What is it Doc?” asked Tonya.
     “I love you,” Simonson replied.
     “What?” asked Tonya in shock, “this isn’t the time.”
     Dr. Simonson moved in for a kiss, and Tonya slapped him across the face.  In a mad fury, he leaped on top of her and slapped her a few times to calm her down as she struggled.  Then he proceeded to rape her a few times over and over. Every time she went to scream out for help, he silenced her with his hand over her mouth.

     The next morning, Simonson had given Tonya a heavy dose of a powerful sleeping drug to keep her unconscious.  He then proceeded to the bridge where he ordered Captain Johnson to meet him.  Simonson and Johnson suited up in the underwater armors and activated the underwater forklifts to retrieve the metal tubes he found earlier.
     While they disembarked the ship in their pressure suits.   Michael who was just getting up discovered moans coming from Tonya’s room.  He knocked several times but there was no answer.  He opened up the computer console panel and began to mess with the wires and it opened the door.  He saw Tonya’s naked, drugged body all sprawled out over the bed.  Michael quickly checked her pulse, it was very slow.
     “Tonya? Can you hear me?” asked Michael shaking her rapidly.  He saw the bruises on her face, and the blood on the sheets.  He wasn’t stupid, he knew something was seriously wrong here.
    “Tonya?  It’s me Mikey, wake up….”
     “S-Simonson…” Tonya muttered.
     “He did this?” asked Michael trying not to startle her back into unconsciousness.
      Michael snapped.  He laid her back down and popped her head up on a few pillows.  He then locked the door and headed down to the main corridor of the ship.  He went into the laboratory and grabbed an underwater laser torch that Simonson used to open seal up ships and old underwater chests, looking for treasure.
    He then suited up in one of the under water armor suits.  He climbed down the compression chamber and slammed the lid tightly above.  He then proceeded to slowly let the water into the bottom hatch.  As it filled up, Michael opened the pressure chamber and walked out into the ocean floor.
     He activated his spotlight and glanced around at the cave.  He could see the underwater forklift up ahead. He was fuming with anger.  He could see Simonson driving the forklift now, he was mad.
     Michael grasped tightly to the laser torch.  He was so mad at Simonson that he wanted to kill him right there but he decided to wait. He slides the laser torch down his arm, so Simonson could not see it.
     “Simonson, what is that?” asked Michael trying not to surprise him.
     “Get back, we don’t have much time,” Simonson added.
     “Get off the forklift now,” Michael ordered pointing the laser torch at him.
    Simonson paused.  He turned the engine off and slowly climbed down the forklift.  He had a small grin on his face as he looked at Michael who appeared to be mad.
     “You realize that you will not get away with this,” Simonson added.
     Captain Johnson came out of the cave. He saw the torch being aimed at Simonson and he looked surprised to see this.
     “Quickly Johnson,” Simonson said, “that hippie kid has lost his mind.  He rigged up Andrews’s helmet so that it would decompress itself, then he rapped Tonya nearly to death and now he is going to kill us all and take these alien artifacts back and claim fame to them.”
     “What the hell?” asked Johnson.
     “Don’t believe him,” Michael said, “this guy is madly insane.”
     Michael couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger and slash open Simonson’s armor. It was not in him to kill. Though he was fuming mad with anger.
    “Put the laser torch down kid,” Captain Johnson said.
     “Don’t be a fool Captain,” Michael said, “he is nuts!”
     “We will deal with all of this when we get back to the ship,” Johnson said moving closer to Michael.
     “With a quick thrust, Simonson grabbed the torch and the two began to struggle.  The laser went off, bouncing off the solid Amazer ship and hitting one of the alien tubes, slicing it open.  Johnson moved in and grabbed the torch from both of their hands.
     “I don’t know what the hell this is about, but I know one thing.  One of those alien artifacts has been shattered and its leaking radiation all over the ocean floor!” Johnson shouted.
     The radiation was leaking everywhere.  Johnson could feel himself starting to get dizzy.  From out of the tube, a rubbery looking sponge being, with yellow skin and bright green eyes started to sit up from the shattered metal tube.
    Michael turned only for a second to get a look at the alien. Simonson quickly reached over and slapped the lever on Michael’s helmet.  Michael panicked as the ocean water started to leak into his helmet. 
    Johnson saw what happened and he fired the laser torch, hitting Simonson. His suit punctured wide open and he blasted off the ocean floor as the air vigorously blasted out at a fast rate. Johnson grabbed onto Michael who was dying and dragged his body back to “The Amazer.”
     As it took several minutes to decompressurize in the hull.  Johnson knew Michael had to be dead by now.  After the water cleared out of the hull, Johnson climbed out into the main corridor of the shi, dragging Michael. Michael seemed to feel lighter, as he checked.  He noticed Michael was gone, as if he evaporated inside the suit.   Johnson, who felt really sick, dropped to his knees and began to vomit all over the floor in the hallway.
     He looked up and noticed Tonya was standing there.
“T-Tonya get away…” Johnson said, “I am contagious…”
    Johnson staggered to the bridge in his underwear as he stripped himself from uniform he had underneath the pressure suit.  He kept vomiting as he made his way into the bridge.  Tonya followed.  She was still dizzy and weak.
    Johnson started to program the ship’s rockets to blast their way to the surface of the water at top speeds.
    The ship rocked from something very powerful hitting it as it took off but it kept proceeding to the top.
    “What the hell is that?” asked Tonya.
    “You do not want to know,” Johnson replied weakly as he piloted the ship to the surface.
     The computer began flashing an indication light stating that the bottom of the vessel had been ruptured and seawater was leaking in at a vast rate.
      “Shit I hope I can make it to the top before we drawn,” Johnson said very weak as he vomited some more rounds on the floor next to him.
    “I am starting to feel sick,” Tonya said as she slumped into her bridge chair, holding her stomach.
     Finally, “The Amazer” hit the top of the water.  It blasted into the air several feet from the force and came splashing down into the water.  Johnson kept piloting the ship.  He did not know where he was going because all of the compasses seemed to be going haywire from something.  All the lights started flickering as Johnson could hear the sound of the underwater creature tearing its way through the interior.
     After a few hundred miles, Johnson spotted a large landmass. He then drove “The Amazer” right up onto the main sandy shore and shut down all the engines.  He activated the emergency bridge exit and the front window panel opened.  Johnson helped Tonya climb through the window panel and they both jumped out of the ship onto the soft, wet sandy beach.
    They looked up and they noticed an elastic looking yellow octopus-man smashing his way through the belly of the ship. The monster glanced at the two.  The monster grabbed a piece of “The Amazer” and threw it at them.  To Tonya’s surprise, the material went right through her as if she had become a ghost.  It hit Johnson and the material melted as Johnson’s body was transformed into living energy, or some sort of high-intensified heat.
     “What the hell is going on?” asked Johnson as his body was now composed of living energy.
    “I don’t know,” Tonya said, “I am floating on air, and my body is like a ghost.  I can’t touch nothing because I move through it.”
     The octopus-man said something in an odd language, in a low tone hiss.
     “He is speaking,” Tonya said, “what are you?”
     “Octavian,” the monster replied, “I recognize the language…”
     “Where are you from?” asked Tonya.
     “I was resting in my life unit after the Octavians were infested with a deadly plague.  My brother and I are rightful heirs to the throne.  Dying, the kingdom wanted us to be preserved so we would not be infected. While we were preserved they were supposed to find a cure.”
     “I don’t think they found the cure,” Tonya said, “you’ve been in there for many centuries I believe.”
     “Oh yeah,” the octopus man hissed, “we will see about that. Only an Octavian wizard has the authority to release us from the chambers.  You will be tried and convicted for your interference.”
    The octopus-man started to move toward Tonya in anger. 
     Just then, right in front of him. The ground began to swirl round and round.  The sand began to sift around with the soil under it and it began to rise.  A creature made of stone started to rise from the ground as if he literally came from the soil.  He was massively big and stood there with his arms folded as he sneered at the octopus-man.
     “I’d advise you to back off,” the rockman spoke in a low growling tone.
    “What are you?” asked the octopus man.
     The rockman smashed the octopus-man really hard in the face.  He went soaring through the air from the force and smashed into the side of “The Amazer”.
     “What are you?” asked Tonya.
     The rockman turned around to face her.
    “I am now Rockman but before this weird mutation you knew me as Dr. Andrews.  I am sorry Tonya I did not want you to see me like this.”
     “Oh my God,” Tonya said placing her hand over her mouth and letting the tears slide down her eyes.
     “We have all changed,” a flaming being that used to be known as Captain Johnson said hovering a few feet in front of Rockman, “I hope this is reversible because I cannot live as a ball of living flames forever.  Everything I would touch would burn.”
    “The radiation from the tubes did something to our DNA, now I have super strength, invulnerable skin and I am able to travel through the ground as if I am apart of the Earth.  I am no longer human, we are no longer human,” Rockman spoke.
     “What happened to Michael?” asked Tonya.
     Just then, a two inch sized man flew and landed on Rockman’s shoulder.  As Tonya glanced up at it, it was Michael. He was reduced to the size of two inches, with some sort of flying ability.
    “Thanks for leaving me in that suit Captain!” Michael shouted cause he was so small, “it was very dark. I had no idea where I was for about an hour until I fumbled my way out of the suit and later realizing I was only two inches tall!”
     “I need to find away to get back to normal,” Johnson said, “I can’t come near anyone.”
    “What about those fire proof suits that Simonson created in the sub floor of the ship?  You could live in the suit until we figure out a plan.”
     “You honestly think I want to spend the rest of my life inside a fire proof suit?” asked Johnson; “we have been infected with alien radiation. This is our new looks guys, our old looks are destroyed, gone, vanished!”
     “Hey try not to crap on my parade!” Michael shouted, “I don’t think my sex life is going to be worth anything being two inches tall!”
     Just then, Tonya concentrated and she began to float back to the sand.  Once her feet made contact she was able to transform her body back to solid.  She was relieved that she was not stuck like that.
    Later, Johnson slipped into a heat resistant suit and concentrated very hard not to lower the level of his flame so he wouldn’t burn through it.  He looked like something out of a science fiction movie in the silver protection gear.
    Just then, as the group climbed out of the ship to explore the island.  The strange, rubbery alien octopus-man slowly approached the group. Rockman stepped in front of everyone.
     “No more,” the octopus-man spoke holding up one of his arms.
     “Listen Octopus, you picked the wrong day to go fucking with my friends.  You had better be sincere, or I am going to see how far your little jelly body stretches,” Rockman said.
     “Trust me, I have not been hit by a force that great ever in my life,” Octopus spoke, “I know when I am beaten. I am just as lost as you are my friend.”
    “First of all,” Tonya said, “we have got to get this ship fixed and get back home.”
     “You honestly think they’d welcome us back looking like this?” asked Johnson.
     “Who we were in the past is no longer a factor, we are these things that we have been mutated into. We will always be known as these things.” Rockman said.
    “I guess I am the Dollman from here on out!” Michael shouted as he leaped off Rockman’s shoulder and landed on Tonya’s shoulder.
     “Dollman huh?” asked Johnson, “What am I? The flaming asshole? Burn everything I touch man, um…well how about the Fireman?”
     “Novaman,” Rockman said with a grin.
     “I am like a ghost,” Tonya said, “I will be the Black Phantom.”
     “Cute names!” Michael (Dollman) shouted, “almost reminds me of a comic book I used to read but we are making a humorous real life out of it!”
     “This sack of jelly shit over here can be our very own Octopus,” Rockman chuckled as he pointed at the octopus creature.
    “What is a sack of shit?” asked Octopus.
     “A honorable title my friend,” Johnson (Novaman) said.
     “Thank you Rockman, a sack of shit I will be,” Octopus smiled with his large sharp teeth and his green scaly lips.
     “Okay sack of shit,” Rockman said, “you have any idea how to get off Gilligan’s island?”
     “Gilligan’s Island?  At least you know what island it is. I just woke up from a ten thousand or less year sleep.  I would say fix your boat,” Octopus said.
     “Oh yeah, the ship that you ripped the bottom out of, you bubble headed moron,” Rockman spat in Octopus’s face.
     “Bubble headed moron, that sounds insulting, coming from a guy who looks like a walking chunk of coral reef,” Octopus laughed with his big wide mouth.
     “Oh, the big jelly head laughs.  Come on punk, let’s see what you got,” Rockman said as he grabbed into Octopus’s mid torso area.
     Octopus elongated himself out of Rockman’s grip and wrapped himself around Rockman in several layers of his rubbery body.
    “Get off me you gooey, rubber fish face!’ Rockman shouted.
     Novaman took off his fireproof glove and gave Octopus a little sting from his flaming hand.  Octopus let go and returned back to his original six-armed form.
     “Would you guys quit acting like children. We are lost on a deserted island, our ship is screwed up, and we are all having what appears to be a bad hair day,” Tonya (The Black Phantom) responded as she got into the faces of Rockman and Octopus and shouted at them.
     “You got a point lady,” Octopus said.
    “All right Novaman, you start using your hear powers to mend the broken ship together.  The rest of us will try and repair the radio COM units,” Rockman ordered.
    “So, are you the new leader?!” Dollman asked in a loud shouting tone.
    “Do I hear an argument tiny?” asked Rockman.
     “No sir,” Dollman said flying off toward the ship.  Novaman was not too far behind.
     “What is wrong with us?” asked Tonya in disbelief.
     “I don’t know,” Rockman said,  “Octopus, do you have any idea what kept your incubation chambers juiced for all those centuries?”
     “The same thing that was used to power our underwater city,” Octopus said, “it is what we called Polarization Rays. Pumped with a systematic device that pulled them directly from the skies,” Octopus replied.
     “An unknown radiation from space possibly. I could have been anything that altered us,” Rockman hissed.
     “I’d almost bet it siphoned gamma radiation from that style of energy that was channeled through a device and used to power items.  The octopus people must be immune to it,” the Black Phantom said.
     “Interesting theory Tonya,” Rockman said, “but we can’t be too sure on that. That was in ancient times done by an unknown culture, unknown to man.”
     A couple of days later, the crew had “The Amazer” in full function and ready for the high sails. Dollman had the computers up and running in no time with his keen wit on computers. He had to do things a little differently being two inches tall, but he figured out a system real easy.
    Soon, “The Amazer” was blasting across the surface of the Atlantic Ocean heading back to the direction, the all estimated was home from the Sun’s position.
     Soon, it wasn’t long before the sun started to come down.  “The Amazer’s” lights were activated as the crew started to slowly get tired from the journey.
    “How far off course did we fall?” asked Rockman.
     “Beats me.  All I know is every ten hours; I have to keep switching these fireproof suits because I melt through them. I can’t stay on this ship too long,” Novaman said, “we only got ten more of those suits left, I hope we can make it home before I burn everything up.”
     Just then, the Black Phantom spotted a small fishing boar ahead. They radioed the ship and it led them back to the shore.
     It was dark, and so the crew figured it would be best to travel at night since they were all odd looking until they could figure out something.
    They were on some dock in Neutron City.  They were close to being home.  The dock looked a little familiar but nothing they could recall seeing.
    The crew placed their second set of special environmental suits that Simonson created, since the first batch was destroyed from their mutations.  Rockman and Octopus slipped on some type of overcoats they found to hide themselves as they traveled through the alleyways of Neutron City.
     “Simonson’s lab has to be around here somewhere,” the Black Phantom said leading the group through the familiar but dark alleyways.

    Later, through keen wit in the darkness.  They all managed to find the warehouse-lab.  It looked different, but everyone was sure it was the lab.
    “I don’t remember the words Schneider Auto-Salvage being printed on the side!” Dollman shouted as he flew up next to the letters that were exposed on the side of the building because of the street light.
     “Neither did I, but maybe we overlooked it,” Rockman said as he made his way through the front door.
     “Wait a minute, this can’t be the place, there are no electronic security slots,” the Black Phantom said studying the door.
    “This has to be the place,” Novaman said as they all entered the warehouse.
     Rockman’s big clumsy hand snagged the light switch and to everyone’s surprise the lab was not there. As if someone had came through and cleared it all out and replaced it with some sort of auto garage for old cards, from the 1950s.
     “This is our lab,” Rockman spoke.
     “Correction stone face, it was our lab!” Dollman shouted as he stood on Rockman’s shoulder.
    There was a younger man in a grease monkey suit sleeping on the bench with a few empty beer cans scattered around the bench.
    Rockman went over to the guy, and grabbed him by the back of his monkey suit and lifted him in the air.
   The man’s breath was fowl from alcohol consumption. He opens his eyes and glanced at Rockman.  He let out a scream of total fear.
     “Shut up! Who are you?” asked Rockman.
     “Marv,” the young man persisted with his greasy black Elvis hairdo.
     “Why are you in my lab?” asked Rockman
     “T-This is m-my auto salvage place…I-I work here,” Marv said shaking in fear of Rockman’s monstrous presence.
     Rockman placed Marv down as he glanced at the calendar that was hanging on the wall.  It read July 1952.  Rockman’s eyes grew real big.
     “I need a cigarette…anyone seen my cigarettes…you know…?” asked Marv looking around in confusion.
     “Those thing will kill you!” Dollman shouted as he flew up next to Marv’s face.
     “What the hell are you? Tom Thumb?” asked Marv looking at the two inch sized Dollman.
     “We are in the past,” Rockman said holding up the calendar and showing the team.
     “Your past,” Octopus said, “but still technically a long ways in the future for I.”
     “I am sorry sir, we may appear to be strange looking to you, but we come in peace. It’s a long story but we are the good guys,” the Black Phantom spoke.
     “Cute nigger girl,” Marv chuckled as he lit up a cigarette.
    “What did you call me?” asked the Black Phantom.
     “Take it easy. It was a common word in 1952.  Take it as a complement I guess.” Novaman spoke.
     “My relatives have been racially suppressed for centuries and I am supposed to let some drunken lush call me nigger girl, great…” the Black Phantom sighed as she folded her arms.
     “Hey, ya know, I am about twenty-six, twenty-seven, ya know…I don’t think I recall ever seeing creeps like yourselves,” Marv said sipping on a can of beer he left by his work bench, “you guys know that jack ass with the white hair that is building all those fancy thing a ma bobs in the backroom? He claims he is a scientist from the future. If it wasn’t for all those fancy gold coins he gave me, I’d tell him to kiss my ass…”
     “Scientist…. white hair…” Rockman muttered in a low tone.
     The group slowly entered the room, they could see it was definitely Simonson’s work. He appeared to have been trapped here for weeks according to his notes he had scribbled on a piece of paper. He was designing weapons with the technology he had gathered from around the area.
    “Where is this man?” Asked the Black Phantom getting angry.
“He went home for the night, every bodies gotta sleep…ya know..” Marv replied as he glanced around the room Simonson was in.
     “Do you have any idea where he is now?” asked the Black Phantom.
    “In the basement I believe,” Marv said followed by an obnoxious belch.
     Rockman grabbed one of the high tech laser rifles that Simonson had finished and had sitting aside.  He cocked the gun and proceeded out the room.
    “He is mine,” Rockman sneered leading the way.
     “After I tell you what he did to me darling, you will let me have him first,” Black Phantom said as she followed behind Rockman.
     Rockman found the door that lead to the basement.  A grin came to his face as he began to slowly open the doorknob.

   Meanwhile, Dr. Simonson was sleeping away in the basement on a small bed cot.  The door opened to his room, setting off the alarm he designed.  Simonson dived up and grabbed a small hand weapon by the bed. He took aim; Rockman had the laser rifle aimed dead at him.
     “Simonson,” Rockman growled.
     “Andrews?” asked Simonson.
     “You’re a dead man, drop that fucking weapon, or I am going to slice you right down the center with this laser rifle,” Rockman spoke.
     Simonson started laughing.
     “Your brainless moron, do you realize that weapon is not functional. Go ahead, fire away. Then I will return this little weapon in my hand on you and split your atoms into a million fragments, is it worth the gamble?”
     “You’re bluffing,” Rockman replied.
     “Try me,” Simonson smiled.
    Then the Black Phantom used her powers and moved through the walls and stood in between the two. She glanced at Simonson with anger.
     “You were my best friend, you betrayed my trust. You rapped me, you monster!” Black Phantom shouted.
    “You have powers also?” Asked Simonson, “interesting.”
     A black energy clamp of some sort began to materialize around Simonson’s throat.  The Black Phantom was creating it. Almost as if her anger manifested this other power. She started to apply pressure on his neck.  Simonson was gasping for air as he dropped his weapon in pain.
    “I-If you k-kill me…y-you will never go home…”
    “Like you almost know how to get home, otherwise you’d be gone by now,” Rockman spoke.
    “T-The ocean, by t-that island…t-there is a small portal…I know where it is…”
    “We went through a portal, and didn’t know it?” asked Novaman a few feet behind the others.
     “An apparent gateway between the year 1952 and 1998 for whatever odd reason,” Simonson replied, “I would have went back but you guys are the ones with the ship.”
     “Well you had better get us back home!” Dollman shouted as he flew into the room and landed on Rockman’s shoulder.
     “Of course I will,” Simonson said as he staggered up the stairs to the main auto shop area.  Marv was watching all of this excitement and taking it in very slowly as he drank a beer and smoked his cigarettes
     “So you guys are from the future…eh?” asked Marv
     “Obviously,” Octopus replied back to him in a sarcastic tone.
     “Lead the way Simonson, I will not be stuck some forty years in the past with the likes of you,” Rockman said shoving Simonson to the front door of the garage.
    “You should really be careful of who you push around Andrews, you don’t really know what kind of powers I got from that radiation,” Simonson laughed.

    Later, as the sunlight came over the horizon, the crew managed to make their way back to “The Amazer”.  Marv staggered after the heroes, most of everyone ignored the fowl drunk.
     “This is truly a machine from the future,” Marv said lighting up a cigarette and glancing at the monstrous vessel that was docked at the peer.
     “Get back,” Rockman said as he lowered the doorway plank so that everyone could climb aboard the ship. Rockman went first, with Novaman and Dollman behind Simonson so he didn’t try any tricks, they kept their eyes glued to him like a hawk.
     The crew climbed aboard and at the last minute as the ship’s door closed, Marv leaped through the doorway.  Everyone was busy keeping on eye on Simonson to notice Marv slip in so Marv ducked down the hallway and hid.
     Novaman and Rockman managed to get the ship moving out into the ocean once again, heading out toward the island.  Simonson stood by and watched and gave the orders to the direction of the island.
    “That island is very familiar, I vaguely recall an Octavian story about Gods coming from that island.  Men with great power that all the Octavian’s feared,” Octopus said.
     “Well it appears that your Gods were nothing more but time travelers with futuristic technology,” Simonson laughed.
     “If we can travel back through time perhaps there is a way to send me back to my proper time so that I can try and save my people before the plague consumes all of us,” Octopus said.
     “I have no knowledge on how that portal works, all I know is that there is a gate opened from 1952 and 1998, So we are going to go back through it.  If you wanna stick around and fuck with it, then that is your choice,” Simonson said.
     “Shut the fuck up, I am not the smart guy here,” Octopus said as he remembered a few curse words he heard Rockman bellow out earlier.
      As they located the portal, Dollman noticed how haywire all of the compasses went.  Blasting through the other side “The Amazer” arrived in 1998.
   “Holy fuck, now that is unreal,” Octopus replied, “I never thought such a thing exists.”
   “That your new word for the day bubble head?” asked Rockman.
    “Fuck,” Octopus said with a big green, “I like that word, fuck you.”

     Later “The Amazer” found its way back to the real lab. They pulled the ship into their special homemade docking bay that they originally created so they could work on the ship and set it into the ocean.
     Once inside, Rockman called a meeting of the minds.  Everyone gathered around the small board room table in the main meeting room.  Even the devious Dr. Simonson was there, of course not by his choice.
     “We need to decide what the hell we are going to do with these mutations,” Rockman spoke.
     “First, if you call the authorities. You can kiss your asses goodbye. You will become lab rats,” Simonson chuckled.
     “You’re going to rot in a cell,” Black Phantom lashed out in anger and getting to her feet, as her body began to radiate some sort of dark energy from it.
     “Settle down Black Phantom, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life inside a heat resistant suit,” Novaman said, “you have to restrain yourself, Simonson is the only man who might be able to cure us.  Any other man would take a lifetime to figure out simple solutions.”
     “This is absurd,” Black Phantom said, “this man rapped me and all you can do is pat him on the back and say, way to go doc!”
    “She’s right,” Rockman said, “that monster tried to kill me and he assaulted my girlfriend, and for that he has got to pay.”
    “Hey, rape is rape. That is how my race leads itself into intercourse, a rough submissive, violent mating ritual that has been going on since as long as our race existed,” Octopus said.
    “I didn’t ask your opinion jellyfish face,” Black Phantom sneered.
    “What’s it going to be?” asked Simonson.
     “I am outta here,” Rockman said getting to his feet and leaving the laboratory, Black Phantom followed.

     A few minutes later, Marv came staggering into the room.  He was in total shock.  He had a can of beer in his hand; he got out of the refrigerator by the door.
     “Oh my God,” Marv belched, “this is the future…”
     “I thought we left this ass behind…” Novaman said.
     “This is my assistant. He knows too much about my experiments to leave him in the past,” Simonson said, “That information could change history. I am glad he is here, sorta.”

     Months later, the group has improved vastly through Simonson’s research.  He found a way to help Dollman to return to normal size at will and back and forth with a willed concentration.
     Simonson also created a water chamber for Octopus so that he could regenerate while he sleeps.  As for Novaman, Simonson created a heat resistant android body for him so that he could interact and not burn everyone up.  The body was designed to resist fire.  It seemed to work until Simonson could figure out a way to reverse his flame body back to flesh.

      “I may not be able to turn human again,” Novaman said, “but this android body you created me serves me much better then that clumsy fireproof suit that kept catching fire.  I don’t have the need to sleep nor do I know where my power source comes from.  One day we shall, I believe.”
    “Good, there are things I must do,” Simonson said, “we will touch base on this.  I have private work to attend to.”
    Simonson then left the room heading to his private laboratory in the back.
   Marv was in the backroom smoking a cigarette and quickly acknowledged Simonson.
     “My expirments have now proven successful, now we can proceed according to plan,” Simonson said as he entered the room.
     He went over to a large computer and began programming buttons.  In the center of the room, on a small platform, a ripple or some sort of portal began to merge.
    “Now Marv, I need you to glance into the portal and repeat after me…” Simonson said.
     “Sure…whatever. I hope you know what you are doing fucking with these different dimensions and time barriers that you note…ya know…” Marv said.
     “Now repeat after me.  Son, it’s your father…” Simonson said with a smile.
    “Sure, whatever you say,” Marv belched, “son, it’s your father…”

     After about a half of an hour, Marv was getting irritated repeating that phrase over and over but Simonson kept feeding the man beer to keep him happy.
    Just then, a giant red, muscular hand reached through the gateway.  Marv jumped out of the way.  The beast pushed it’s way into the room, it was Hellrazor!

                       TO BE CONTINUED……..
Dr. Bert Simonson