Welcome to the Anvil
...and will keep on breaking hammers

Welcome to the Anvil.

I'm glad you could stop by for a virtual visit. The Anvil is a combination Bible resource and personal homepage. The Bible has been called "the anvil that has broken a million hammers." This website is like my workshop or a "virtual anvil," where I hammer out the things that I see and hear, study and read into messages that reflect the grand truths of Scripture.

Step inside and have a look around. "The Library" features links to some great Christian ministries and some great reading. "Links" will take you on a journey to many adventures in learning. In "Ron's Ramblings, Ravings, and Recitations" I will be sharing lessons that have been shaped from 13 years of preaching and teaching the Word. I offer them here in the hope that perhaps they will find a wider audience on the web. I will be adding new material to this section periodically.

On the personal side, "Authors Corner" and "Photo Albums" will give you a glimpse of my family and the great state and city where we live, work, play, and call our home. "Music Pages" will expand your musical horizons as I share many of my favorites. And an upcoming feature, "Stories" will have some of my personal adventures, as well as interesting illustrations and stories that have "colored my world." I hope they will color yours as well.

And the beat goes on...


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Bible study tools

Ron's Ramblings, Ravings, and Recitations

The Author's Corner

Links (no Weakest Links here!)

Musical Interests

Photo Album (coming soon)

Stories and Illustrations (coming soon)

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Sorry, there's no gift shop with hats and T-shirts and coffee cups --- "Git yer gen-yoo-wine Anvil coffee cups!" Uh.... maybe not! Anyway, leave your Visa card at home. I want to "freely give as I have freely received." Enjoy your stay, we're open 24/7

Welcome to the Anvil