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Mickolota2000 - 20th Feb. 2001

I am afraid that I may not be able to update the AOEII Zone anymore due to the amount of work I have on my hands right now, 1 game of AOK since last year...no!!! Anyways E-mail on the front page is back up - sorry :o( - I may play on the zone but my site is well, dead :o( :o( :o( :o( :o( :o(

New Affiliate!
Mickolota2000 - 20th Feb. 2001

We just got another new affiliate - but I can't accept anymore because of the above reason - but don't worry - the current affiliates will stay up. The new affiliate is the World of AOK athttp://www.oocities.org/iphonan/

The AOEII Zone Poll
When Do You Think The Next AOE Should Be Set?

Current Results

Emporers and Kings have visited to The AOEII Zone!

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