The Aum Rifle/John Thill
We are in the midst of extricating ourselves from self destruct mode.  Right now Aum Rifle is John Thill and sometimes Chaz Knapp.  We live in Southern California again after an ill-fated stint in the South, which was beautiful and terrible in alternating instances.  Currently we play a lot in Southern California, we inhale smog, sit in traffic and think things through.  Many other people used to play in this band, but they have moved on.  They play in bands like Western Graves and Quem Quaeritis.  Chaz plays in Our Brother the Native
riverisde, ca
white river junction, vt
white river junction, vt
AUM CDR   (nightpass) compositional, psychedelic and mountain folk music. Out of print.
dust + white sky CDR  (nightpass) smokey folk and noise   recorded live in the hills above Riverside. Available through Ranked #3 on KSPC Claremont
detritus tapes CDR  (nightpass) a huge bizarre collage of polkas, harsh noise, folk songs and   even hip hop. Out of print
...You will think of   static as a transitional mechanism tape (nightpass) mesh of audio piracy coopted   from old 45s and slow folk dirges. Out of print.
dark moon water CDR (nightpass) 5 song EP package in individually hand painted covers. glance inside esoteric mystic universes, but with humor of course. Out of print
we love u san bernardino! split with frodalf and gandor (nightpass) explains the secret connections between government agencies, speadfreaks and the devastating fires which rage through California last year.
A peal of bells   (shrimper) our opus of hyper folk and slow environmental music.  From lulling to cathartic.  Get it here

Sycophant Lovers from Dust & White Sky

Wilt from A Peal of Bells