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-U p D a T e S-

Tuesday March 25th, 2003 19:52

I'm intellectually happy, but emotionally still adjusting - best way to describe it is "Emotional Whiplash." Only been two days since the turnaround, tho, and I'm still exhausted and vacation lagged, so I'm not letting it worry me, too much. Once I adjust, it will be the best thing ever, again - so I'll allow myself one of these *smiles*

Those few of you who read these occasional thoughts here - put in a good word for me, wherever you put your good words...

Keep in touch, my fellow kats.


Friday March 21st, 2003 11:42

Well, I'm hurting a lot. And just to put it in perspective - more than ever before. I thought I'd be used to things...well, I wasn't, and I'm not.

Here's a song to cheer everyone's spirits:

"Dr. Online" by Zeromancer

Yes I am sad, no I am not suicidal. This is just a good song with a katchy chorus. Enjoy...!


Thursday January 23rd, 2003 01:28

"My God! What have we done!?"

Captain Robert Lewis, August 6th, 1945, 08:14, after dropping the bomb over Hiroshima. Hundreds die instantly in the 300, 000 C ball of fire; thousands die or are affected in the following months. How soon we forget...and here we are ready to do it all over again.

It's almost funny how we don't learn anything from the past...


Tuesday January 21st 2003. 20:09

Read a good quote from my old friend, Dostoevsky today. Here she is:

"For, after all, you do grow up, you do outgrow your ideals, which turn to dust and ashes, which are shattered into fragments; and if you have no other life, you just have to build one up out of these fragments. And all the time your soul is craving and longing for something else. And in vain does the dreamer rummage about in his old dreams, raking them over as though they were a heap of cinders, looking in these cinders for some spark, however tiny, to fan it into a flame so as to warm his chilled blood by it and revive in it all that he held so dear before, all that touched his heart, that made his blood course through his veins, that drew tears from his eyes, and that so splendidly deceived him!"


Tuesday January 7th 2003. 17:04

"A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog without bricks tied to its head."


Sunday January 5th, 2003. 13:21

Wow. Just downloaded the complete, "Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars" CD, and I have to say that it is one of the *BEST* CD's I have ever heard. Ever. It's definitely worth buying - I may even go out to buy it today. Best bet would be to get, "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust," which has all the tracks from the original, plus some bonus material.

On a side note, fixed the dates here in the news. I thought it was Sunday yesterday ;p Ahh, crazy vacation times.

Heard a good voice last night, too :)


Saturday January 4th, 2003. 17:05

Added a 7 piece study under the pictures section, and in general reworked the section for better aesthetic appeal. Took four hours to scan the images, clean them up, make thumbnails, make the html files, new directories, and to upload - so you'd better enjoy the set ;P


Saturday January 4th, 2003. 01:42

Changed the bit rate of "We Stand Alone" to 56kbps, from 128. Cuts the size in half, and allows more people to listen before my daily file transfer quota is up. Cheers...


Friday January 3rd, 2003. 15:33

Well, two months have gone by, and it's time for a new "Song of the Times." So, for your aural pleasure, I present to you "We Stand Alone," by Covenant. The lyrics can be found here.

Why have I picked this song, you ask? Because it reminds me of my poem, Maybe Tomorrow in the Ivy Garden.

Drop me a line and tell me what you think of it.

"we share the last champagne and watch necropolis
still and so let’s leave her to her silent walks
the sun of Rome is set and our day is gone
a kiss a taste of red from your open lips"


Thursday January 2nd, 2003. 12:15

Everything is amazing. Can it be that for once, things are working out? Almost unbearably good.

*ear to ear grin* =)

On a side note, old news is now archived here.
