I feel I must give credit where credit is due, so here is a list of the people/websites who
provided my images for me. If your name is on this list and you wish it to be removed, email me.

Vincent Spicer
The Brooke Nook

Some of these people don't know I have their images (BAMVA and childstarlets) but they did not say
explicitly on their sites not to take images, so I decided to use what I thought were good images.
Sorry if I've offended anyone in doing so. If you are from BAMVA or childstarlets and you want some
of your images removed, just email me and ask, and I'll take the images down right away. The images from
childstarlets have the site's address in the lower right-hand corner, so credit has been given. Thank-you.

[The images Sam provided to me may or may not appear on this site. Almost all the images I recieved from
him focused on showing Brooke Shield's nudity during the film (yes, there are several moments when you see
HER nudity, not the the stand-in's. While he put a lot of effort into these images, I do not consider them
appropriate for this website at this time, but I may change my mind in the future. No offense, Sam! :-)  ]