Spring 2004
"The Boys"
at Camp St. Croix
This is a picture out at the Widegame Area.
The Widegame area pines. Remember when they were small enough to hide behind?
Here are a couple more pics from the
widegame area.
Several years ago Oak Wilt invaded the property. After consulting with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and other foresters, it was decided that a large part of the Oak trees on the property would be taken down. This would hopefully help to control the spread of the disease and also bring some cash into the troop.
The cutting part of the project is finished and now the removal must begin.
Here are some views of the massive amount of timber that's been taken out of our woods. These pictures were taken just off of the camp road...about halfway between the gate and the hill leading into the clearing.
The weather during our stay this year was anything but "perfect". Wednesday night was chilly but we had a nice fire. We experienced rain, wind, and highs near 42F on Thursday. We decided it would be a good day to visit the Pain Mine area near Grantsburg. We also picked up a few groceries and called our wives. We were delighted to see that when we were gone, Keith had arrived. He said that his brother Dave would be coming up later. Here's Keith's set-up.
Chris came up very late on Thursday. Steve made it by Friday night. Bill came up sometime on Saturday.
Despite a chilly start, we had some decent weather for
Frisbee golf.
Of course...the weather is always good for
Other various pics:

Camp shower
The cookshack (aka Schoberg Lodge)
Dave collects woodticks
Wood detail
In the kitchen
Saturday night party
The old Oak tree
Morning discussion group
Steve has antlers