Welcome to the nest of......all darkss

This is Brood Manor home of all the creatures of the night. Inside you will find knowdlege of Witches, Vampires, Demons and maybe more... Will you step in my home and what life is really like for the damned.

But I must remind you that...........................

When the derilict chambers become filled with evil ridden mist and bring the feeling of thundering abbyis, that plagues your thoughts with mysterious dred and the strange and frieghtning sounds after you tred......When ever the candle lights vanish with out knowledgable trace and the valid extinction of the human race, leaves the halls rotting in lonesome depair, and suddenly a shadow appears, standing there. But his presence is felt but cannot be seen, a lost soul searching, for his demon queen.....That is I, Jaycus Var Garde, watching your heart beat ever so hard, as you cringe at every sound my dark home makes, your muscles tighten and your brusied bones ache. Every move watching and waiting, A gleaming sight of palpable hating, Do not hate me because of what I can do, hate me because I am going to hurt you...........
Tred carefully..............

Eternal damnation is not your fate but your destiny........

yes This many creatures have risen here


These are the web rings we are part of

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