Trivial Trivia
Believe it or not, this site was developed using only Notepad. Hail handcoding!
The scribbler
Rachel Grace Hermosura is a 21-year old Journalism student from the University of the Philippines Diliman. She has been blogging for 4 years and currently maintains this website. For a lengthier and more substantive profile, click here.
The Markers
Start (S)Talking

Getting Org-anized
    UP MCO
    DZUP Radio Circle
    UP Green Minds

    UP Diliman
    College of Mass Communication

On the record
Welcome to The Brown N(ut/ote)book, where serious notes and plain nuts facts manage to crawl their way in the Internet. KIDDING. The Brown N(ut/ote)book is a venue for my works and pictures in my journey as a Journalism student. Feel free to scan the pages, but do remember that there's such things like plagiarism and intellectual dishonesty if you intend to copy some of them.

Here are some of the pages that might interest you.
Oh, to live the Journ life!
Interviews, legworks, transcriptions, angling, research, layouting, cramming---all in the name of truth and passion, we Journalism students do them all. See more of my share of the Journ life with these sample articles.
2008: Best. Summer. Ever.
Summer 2008 gave me the most memorable and life-changing experience, and it's not because of pool parties! Summer meant internship, and internship meant working as a contributor for and getting published in the country's leading news website
The Tranquilizers
College life surely is the craziest, but these people have kept me sane despite their own inanities. Let's get nuts as I put the spotlight on the special people who make staying in UP less stressful than it already is.
May 1, 2008: A day of firsts
Picture this: on your first Labor Day coverage, you have to walk from Liwasang Bonifacio to Mendiola while punching an article on a Blackberry under the hot afternoon sun. Sounds crazy? But I have pictures!

BANNER CREDITS: Pen image taken from Moleskin image taken from All rights reserved ©2008. Last updated: 06x2008. For more scribbles, email the siteowner here.