Who is Involved?

Who is involved in the M&M Campaign? Here's a quick guide.

MISSY: Missy is our amazing founder, the goddess who came up with the entire idea of the first and official M&M campaign, in hopes of getting Michael and Maria more airtime. Praise her at dazedmissy@yahoo.com.

@NN@: @NN@ is our pic-chick. She made all our banners, the amazing picture on the front page, and she has helped INFINATELY. You can send @NN@ your admirations at annabel@imneverwrong.com.

JESSIE: That'd be me. I'm tech-girl ... I just maintain the website and help with the behind the scenes work and stuff. If you wanna email me, my email is Ceadsearc@aol.com.

YOU GUYS: That's you all! The fans of Michael and Maria. Get involved and helped ... we're crazy abot y'all for it! We can't do it without you, so thanks BUNCHES.

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