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Ok, here we go. I'm 20, though I feel like i'm somewhere around 60ish. . Anyway, I also have a great group of friends and family. It is a good thing cause it keeps me alive. Ok, now all about me. I'm around 6'2", 145 lbs. and very lanky. I'm not in school yet, and am still not sure when I will start. I was in the Navy for a month, supossed to go into the Nuclar Engineer program, but was discharged due to medical reasons . I was told that I have depression, which I knew about, as well as a Dependent Personallity Disorder, which is basicly I can't live away from my friends. That's why my friends are my life. I would do just about anything for them, and often do.Especally my girlfriend, Jesi. I love her very much. Then there's the Schizo Family, a group of us who are all related in some way shape or form, and sometimes more than one way. I am the Big Brother to the world, and thus all my female friends are my little sisters. I often refer to them as "my kids" and they are that close to me. Yea, I guess that's about all for now. Much love to those who need it. Peace.

Scott A. Wyatt, Radical for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.
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