The Chichen Mole: Toliara

Episode Six


Tension between two contestants elevated between Buffalo and Dennys when Jon left. But the castaways quickly were given the next task called “The Graduate” as seen on Celebrity Mole: Yucatan, and had to answer questions about Toliara and Sean was the first to graduate and won an exemption. Then the next challenge tested the contestants music knowledge where some knew them and some didn’t. After the quiz was due and results tabulated Gerald was the next to goL Eight remain, who will be executed next and who is the MOLE?




Sixteen Players







Among them







Is a double agent, a “mole”







Working for the host




To sabotage the game







Now it’s up to the players







To identify




And answer the question…




Who is…









After arriving back from the execution platform, the contestants relaxed in the lobby of the loft.


Buffalo: he really should of listened when I said I was the mole


Dennys: Poor Gerald…


Dennys: Ugh, shut the hell up, Buffalo


Buffalo: What? Can’t accept the fact I’m the mole?


Buffalo: I even told you my strategy and you STILL don’t believe me


Buffalo: The same thing happen to Gerald, I told him my plan so he wouldn’t believe me and he is gone. Now your next.


Dennys: Yeah right you ugly bitch. You better get ready for your execution, because it’s soon.


Buffalo: Hah.


Buffalo: Why don’t you save the bitch comment until when I’m gone which will be NEVER.


Dennys: Buffahoe, I bet you this game your not the mole. And when you go I will have tears, tears of joy. Don’t let the door hit you in your big ass.


Dennys: is Hah the only word you can understand?


Dennys: Oh right, you being the mole means not showing up to challenges so you can show no intelligence. Gotcha!


Buffalo: I prefer to show up but I can’t this week


Dennys: Why? Screwing cows?


Buffalo: I am not a prostitute, I am an exotic dancer. There is a difference but obviously your mind can’t comprehend that.


Dennys: I’m so sorry my mind can’t comprehend the art of the oh-so-important exotic dancing.


Dennys: If your one they must let anyone do it


Buffalo: As I recall with your friends Jon, Sean and Adam the first thing you did was call me a slut. You messed with the wrong lady.


Buffalo: Whatever


The next morning after things seemed to be settled, they met in the resort for their next challenge.


Across the room they saw pictures of past contestants from the mole ABC series on the wall. Their pictures altered so it was difficult to understand who is who.


John alerted them to decipher who is each person and for each person they got correct $1,000 would be added to the pot.





The next day they were told to meet at the Anakao Village where their next challenge was.


John: Welcome Contestants, today’s challenge is an basic game of hide and seek. Around the village are green and red thumbprints if you find one $1,000 will be added to the pot. You have 15 minutes to find as many as possible. Also an exemption card is somewhere in the village.


They all ran off and Chris and Dennys found lots in no time bring a lot in, also Dennys saw an pink thumbprint with the words EXEMPTION on it and he ripped it off and brought it to John DENNYS WINS AN EXEMPTION the race was still on to find as many as possible and Sean and Matt brought some in too. Jawa seemed lost and was talking to local villagers not being able to find any.

At the end of 15 minutes they were called back and they were given their score.





The contestants were happy with their progress being better and better the next day their quiz was out. 10 questions about the mole, here is a copy:

1)     In the challenge MANY FACES OF THE MOLE was The Mole present at the challenge?
a. yes
b. no

2) In the challenge EVADER was the Mole present at the challenge?
a. yes
b. no

3) In the challenge EVADER did the Mole win any money for the challenge?
a. yes
b. no

4) In the challenge EVADER how much money did the mole win for the pot?
. $8,000
. $6,000
. $4,000
. $2,000
. The mole did not earn any money

5) Is the Mole high maintenance or low maintenance?
a. high
b. very high
c. Very, very low maintenance. You won't even notice I'm there.
d. high as the sky
e. i do things quickly but i do take time to plan and think it out b4 i submitt it
f. Very High Maintenanced
g. High maintenance
h. Low maintenance

6) What is the mole's most proud accomplishment?
a. getting married and having a happy life
b. doing my 5000th strip on my 21st birthday
c. Graduating High School, obviously, but I'm also very proud of the time I successfully made pancakes without injuring myself.
d. Finishing my first cross country race in sixth grade
e. getting through the first year of art college with the highest grade in the college
f. Graduating
g. becomming myself
h. Being the best fastball team in Ontario

7) What is the mole's best quality?
a. Personality
b. looks and seductive ability
c. Dedication to goals
d. Attention to detail
e. friendly
f. my humour
g. my friendliness
h. sense of humour

8) Did the mole win an exemption this round?
a. yes
b. no

9) Of what gender is the Mole?
a. male
b. female

10) Who is the Mole?
a. Alexis
b. Buffalo
c. Chris
d. Dennys
e. Jawa
f. Lavada
g. Matt
h. Sean



The contestants had the certain amount of time to do the quiz and however John noticed one contestants did not submit a quiz and waited and still no sign. John decided to just announce that this person would be eliminated since they were care free of handing in a quiz, the most important part of the game.


This person was…














































Thanks for playing :-/