Name: Charles DiRienzo
Age: 16
Location: Huntsville, Alabama
Occupation: Student
Marital Status: Single
Date of Birth: May 25th, 1988
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Children: None
College: Not yet...soon
Married: No
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Glasses: None
Contact Lenses: None
Allergies: Mold, Dust
Foreign Languages: Latin, Italian
Smoker: No
Pets: 4 dogs, 1 snake, 2 fish
Musical Instrument: None
Favorite relaxation activity: Reading
Best Quality: Intelligence
Qorst Quality: Naivete
Bad Habits: Biting fingernails, breathing loudly when asleep
Most emabarrasing moment: Falling down the school stairway facefirst into a rotten banana
High or Low Maintenance: Low maintenance
How long to get ready in the morning: 20 minutes
Favorite Drink: Sprite
Favorite Music: Pop
Fears: Rejection, High falls
Place of Birth: Boston, MA
Favorite Game: Risk
Favorite Artist: Evanescence
Favorite Color: Green
Childhood hero/idol: Parents, Neil Armstrong
Favorite food: Spaghetti
If you could live in another country, what would it be?: Italy
Way to deal with pressure situations: keep calm, add humor, be smart
MOst proud accomplisment: Making a 1425 on the SATs in ninth grade
Life-altering event: Moving to Huntsville, where I live now
Are you a good liar?: Absolutely!