
Name: Christopher Todd Birchfield (Chris)
Age: 18
Location: Fenwick Island, Delaware
Occupation: Student/PetSmart Employee
Maritual Status: Dating
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Children: None
College: University of Central Florida (Next Fall)
Married: No.
Tattoos: I have a small tattoo of Africa on my arm, hardly noticeable.
Piercings: None.
Glasses: When I'm too lazy to put my contacts in.
Contact lenses: Yes.
Allergies: Cats; Dust
Foreign languages spoken: Broken Spanish
Smoker: Once, ugh...never again.
Pets: Ooh, too many to name. I work at a pet store, so I'm really into animals. I've got a bunch of dogs, a few aquariums, and a room full of reptiles and frogs and stuff. I used to have a bird too...No cats, though. I'm allergic.
Musical Instrument: Trumpet, sorta. I'm not too musically inclined.
Favorite Relaxation Activity: Watching TiVo and hanging out out with my girlfriend.
Best Quality: Dedication to goals.
Worst Quality: Laziness.
Bad Habits: Swearing, drinking, sleeping until it's dark out. I'm bad, I know.
Most Embarrassing Moment: Falling down the stairs in third grade. It was horrible how they laughed at me.
Are you high maintenance or low maintenance? Very, very low maintenance. You won't even notice I'm there.
How long to get ready in morning? About three minutes. I don't have hair, so I take a shower and then I'm out.
Favorite Drink: Beer mainly, although I've given rum and whiskey a try before, and they're pretty good. Too strong for my tastes, though.
Favorite Music: Classic rock. Stuff from the sixties and seventies.
Fears: The ocean, baboons, and my grandma.
Place of Birth: Chicago. Moved to Delaware when my parents divorced.
Favorite Game: Old School Nintendo. Those funky games from the 80's.
Favorite Artist: Well, I don't really have a favorite solo artist, but my favorite band is The Eagles.
Favorite Color: Green.
Childhood Hero/Idol: Jane Gooddall, the woman who lived with the apes for six years. I'd love to be her, except not a woman.
Favorite Food: Jell-O.
Lucky Number: 7
If you could live in another country, what would it be? Singapore, definitely. One of the richest and most prosperous countries of all time. Or maybe Jamaica, that'd be nice.
Way to deal with pressure situations: Weeping openly and hitting my punching bag. Usually the second one, although the punching bag is more often than not my little brother.
Most Proud Accomplishment: Graduating High School, obviously, but I'm also very proud of the time I successfully made pancakes without injuring myself.
Life-Altering Event: Smoking weed once in my Sophomore year. I will never be the same...that was awful.
Are you a good liar? I'd say so.