Name: Dennys Andersen
Age: Eighteen
Location: Providence, Rhode Island
Occupation: Student/Writer
Maritual Status: Dating
Date Of Birth: January 12th
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Dark brown/Black
Children: None that you know of..
College: Boston
Married: No
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Glasses: Yes, for distance
Contact lenses: No
Allergies: None
Foreign languages spoken: Espanol
Smoker: No
Pets: One dog, Skittles, Maltese/Lhasa Apso
Musical instrument: Piano
Favorite relaxation activity: Reading
Best quality: Attention to detail
Worst quality: Starting arguments a lot
Bad habits: Cracking knuckles
Most embarrassing moment: There was a part of my hair that wouldn't go down so I cut it and there was a large bald spot there :-/
Are you high maintenance or low maintenance: High as the sky
How long to get ready in morning: Like two minutes
Favorite drink: A&W Root Beer
Favorite music: Everything except classical
Fears: Wide open spaces
Place of birth: Walpole
Favorite game: CLUE!
Favorite artist: Myself :-P
Favorite color: Orange
Childhood hero/idol: My neighbor
Favorite food: Big Mac
Lucky number: Twenty-Two
If you could live in another country, what would it be: Bahamas near the Atlantis Hotel, baby!
Way to deal with pressure situations: Think it throughly while sweating profussely
Most proud accomplishment: Finishing my first cross country race in sixth grade
Life-altering event: When my mom got skin cancer
Are you a good liar?: Yes, no.. Maybe so?