Name: Trey
Age: 17
Location: Dallas, TX
Occupation: Student/Lifeguard
Maritual Status: Dating
Date Of Birth: 8/23/87
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Children: None
College: A&M
Married: No
Tattoos: Not yet
Piercings: No
Glasses: No
Contact lenses: No
Allergies: Cats
Foreign languages spoken: Japanese, Latin, working on German
Smoker: No
Pets: A dog and a fish
Musical instrument: Ukelele
Favorite relaxation activity: Swimming or sleeping
Best quality: Friendly
Worst quality: Temper
Bad habits: Snoring
Most embarrassing moment: Wow...too many to list. I have a most
moment everyday just about.
Are you high maintenance or low maintenance: Low
How long to get ready in morning: 15 minutes
Favorite drink: Pepsi
Favorite music: Alternative/Rock
Fears: Heights and spiders
Place of birth: Dallas, TX
Favorite game: Monopoly
Favorite artist: Van Gogh, Hiroshige, Lichtenstein
Favorite color: Blue
Childhood hero/idol: None
Favorite food: Pizza
Lucky number: 23
If you could live in another country, what would it be: Japan
Way to deal with pressure situations: Take charge
Most proud accomplishment:
Life-altering event: None yet
Are you a good liar?: Very good