all poems (c) 2000 pellinore gentledragon productions
             Shadow Runner

There can be no light
without a darkness to illuminate
light, unalloyed, blinds the eye
as surely as does the dark
we live in a world of shadow
and shadow has a way of shifting
one thing reavealed
another obscured
like moonshine in the mist

there can be no light without darkness
no day without night
no love without fear
in this world of shadow we live in
we must feel our way to safety
trying not to stumble in the darkness
taking what shelter we can find along the way

between darkness and light
i wait for you in shadow
seeking even as i hide myself
waiting for the mists to part
so we can see each other clearly

...if only for a moment...
caffeination:a blessing

fill my cup--but not too much
need to have room
to make it light enough
make it sweet enough--
too much substance
can be too dark
too bitter

fill my cup
energize me
wake me up
make me talk and laugh
and dream
this life is a nightmare
this life grinds too fine
this life can burn

fill my cup
and keep it coming
don't ever let my cup run dry
and I
will return the favour
keep you talking laughing dreaming
until the dark bitterness
of this dreary existence
becomes light and sweet

fill my cup
and I'll fill yours
and we'll drink to a life
in which two lost souls
cam find one another
and anyplace at all can be home
this is not a coffee poem
this is a blessing
this is a wish
for all the empty cups
I have known and loved
to be full forevermore
this life can be too dark
this life can be too bitter
this life can be a nightmare
but if we all make a point
of filling one another's cups
this life can be
a sweet and creamy dream..
           Angelic Possession

I have tried so many times
to drive thoughts of you
from my mind
Tried to lose myself
in the arms of this woman
or in dreams of that...
  ...but the dream-image
     inevitably ends up shifting
                           into your face;
   when the moment's passion subsides--
          often, even before--
  there you are again
(or, should I say, still)
filling synaptic gaps like
mortar binding my neurons together.

I have tried to drive thoughts of you
from my mind
tried to exorcise you like a demon
all to no avail...
...and need I wonder at that?
After all, demons are easy to cast out
Our priests and wizards,
                   sorcerors and shamans
    have been casting out demons
         from time immemorial, but...
      ...who ever heard of an angel
            being subject to exorcism?
     Who ever heard of anyone
          fool enough to try?

So I have decided to quit trying
decided to give myself over to this
angelic possession
give in to these
bright and straightened impulses
urging me to commit acts of

I have stopped trying
to drive thoughts of you
out of my mind
choosing rather
to hold you in my thoughts,
contemplate you
like an old Catholic woman
contemplates the Virgin Mary,
Mother of her God,

       just as you,
             are the mother
                    of my
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