Welcome to

(Bonny & Lee's Halloween Page)

There Are Only

Days Left
Until Halloween!!!

<bgsound src="tales.mid" controls="smallconsole">

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Our "friends" above are named Albert & Charlene. We made them ourselves following plans we purchased from Corpses For Sale. They were really easy to make and look great even under close inspection.

Please forgive our lack of updates but time is something we have not had an excess of over the last year. In addition to moving into our first house, Lee has been completing his year long articling stint after graduating from law school. Anyone out there who has gone through it can tell you it means taking a 1 year hiatus from your life outside the office. With that completed and his call to the bar coming up in August of 2003 we expect to have more free time to dedicate to Halloween and have already started on some new projects which we will be posting pics of in the near future.

Albert & Charlene have greeted guests so far.

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