You know that old saying "Jack of all trades, Master of none"?  Well, that's me.  I dabble in all kinds of crafts and things.   One of them is cake decorating.  I took lessons before I had my kids about 23 years ago.  Whew, how did 23 years go by?  Anyway, for a long time, I just made birthday cakes for our girls and then a neighbor asked me to make her daughter's wedding cake.  Then, my mom's 50th, then my nephew's wedding cake.  You can probably tell by the pictures that I am only an amatuer.  I only know how to do roses and a few borders because I really don't work at learning any more.  But people keep asking me to do their cakes and as long as they know what their getting, I guess it's ok by me.  I really don't like to make them though.  It's such an important event, the pressure just tears me apart.  One day I might learn how to say NO!  : )  Since it came up for discussion on, here is the last cake I made for my friend's daughter's wedding in July 2001.
The layers are filled, iced and stacked.  This string work was hard for me but I hung in there and got it done!  Whew
This cake was left all white because the bride ordered fresh flowers for it.  I wasn't sure what it would look like because it's the first cake I've done without colored roses or flowers made of icing.   It was so elegant looking left white like this...Martha Stewart would be proud!
Almost the finished product.  :)
Here is the finished product at the reception.  I used a burgundy/metallic ribbon to make a bow for the top and the burgundy roses were placed between each cluster of white icing roses though it's hard to see by this picture.