
  • Birthday: 26/05/79
  • Sex: Male
  • Home: Chatham, ON


  • ICQ: 11886322
  • AIM: rhk60
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Wow, it's been a while. Since we last spoke, I have been married to the most wonderful woman on the planet. I have a wonderful son. Stephen Francis Lawe, pictured above with proud daddy, was born on January 17th of 2005. He is now just over a year old, and daddy could not be prouder. Lately life has been good to this young man. My best friend Nick, a guy I've known since the beginning of time, just got married, to my sister in law of all people!! My best female friend, and the person who knows me better than anyone on the entire planet (I think) is back in my life, filling in a hole I thought would be empty forever. It really is amazing how, no matter the distance, no matter the length of time, the ones you love always come back. They will always be there when you need them. Nick, Erin, Rae,Nicole... thank you guys. I honestly never thought I would be close to any of you again, and yet now I have all of you back in my life. I am truly blessed. I have loved, and am loved. I need you all to know that no matter how much of an asshole RH can be, Rob loves all of you, more than you will ever know. Thank you for completing my life.

Now that the gushy stuff is out of the way, RH is back. In many ways, he never left. Just went into hiding. I'm still psychotic, still hate right wing nuts, and still know that someday, I will be the Prime Minister you will all come to fear. I hope you all enjoy my blog, my lyrics, and soon, Crew Radio, hosted by Izzy and I. The Crew is back, and the end is near....


PS- Look forward to excerps from my memoirs, coming soon.



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