Cailleach Bheur - A Celtic goddess of the Winter season who was worshipped in pre-Christian Scotland, and depicted in works of art as a cronelike woman with a blue face.
Ceres - A Roman goddess of harvest and fertility, and also a mother goddess.
Cerridwen - A Celtic (Welsh) goddess of mountains and fertility who brewed a "Sacred Cauldron of Inspiration" (or "Knowledge") and an assortment of magickal herbs.
Chantico - An Aztec goddess who was regarded as a househeld guardian and the personification of the hearth fire.
Chibirias - A Mayan Earth goddess, the consort of the creator god Itzam Na, and the patroness of all weavers.
Cipactli - An Aztec primordian goddess who was worshipped in Mexico from circa A.D. 750 until circa A.D. 1500. Stone carvings depict her as ahuge alligatorlike deity.
Citlalicue - An Aztec creator goddess who, along with her consort, Citlalatonac, is said to have created the stars that light up the evening sky.

Coatlicue - An Aztec mother goddess who created both he Earth and mankind.

Concordia - The Roman goddess of peace and harmony, whose symbols are the herald's staf entwined by serpents and two clasped hands.

Conventina - A Roman0-Celtic tutelary and water goddess who was worshipped at a sacred spring in Carrawburgh.

Creirwy - The Celtic goddess of love and beauty, and the daughter of the poetry goddess Keridwin.

Cybele - A Phrygian goddess of Nature and fertility, consort of the god Attis, and the equivalent to the Greek goddess Rhea.

Demeter - A Greek goddess of fertility, husbandry, and harvest.

Devaki - A Hindu goddess who was said to have given birth to eight sons, including Krishna and Balarama.

Diana - A roman goddess of themoon who was also a forest-dweling goddess of the hunt, the protectress of wild beasts, and the guardian of virginity.

Disani - A Kafir fertility and mother goddess who is said to have dwelled in a golden fortress with seven doors that opened to seven roads.

Durga - A Hindu warrior goddess who has been worshipped throughout India (but especially in Bengal) from circa A.D. 400 until the present day.

Eileithyia - A Greek goddess of birth who was worshipped mainly by women and invoked to alleviate the pain and danger associated with childbirth.

Eos - The Greek winged goddess of the dawn.

Eostre - An Anglo-Saxon goddess of fertility and Springtme who is said to be the bringer of the light of day and for whom the holiday of Easter (originally a pre-Christian fertility festival) was named.

Epona - A Celtic equestrian goddess who was associated with healing and the fertility of domestic animals.

Ereshkigal - A Sumerian horned goddess and queen of the Underworld.

Erzulie - The Voodoo goddess (loa) of love, beauty, and femininity.

Estsanatlehi - A powerful goddess of fertility, worshipped by the Native American tribe of the Navajo.

Fjorgyn - An ancient Nordic goddess of fertility who was worshipped throughout Iceland from the Viking period (or earlier) until the advent of Christianity.

Flora - The Roman goddess of flowers, and the consort of Zephyrus, the lord of the south winds who anounces the advent of the Spring season each year.

Fortuna - The Roman goddess of happiness, good fortune, and chance who was said to possess the power to bestow upon mortals either wealth or poverty, pleasures or pains.

Freye - A Nordic-Germanic goddess of fertility, prosperity, love, and beauty, who sacred symbols and familiars were cats.

Frigga - A Nordic-Germanic mother goddess and consort of the god Odin.

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