The Earth is solid, passive in nature, and negative in polarity. The Earth symbolically represents both the womb amd the grave; that which brings life forth and that which takes it away or reclaims it. However, unlike Water, the Earth is stationary and does not actively create. The Earth is seen mystically as the the final outcome.
Earth Correspondences
The following items are all associated with the element of Earth. Use them collectively or separately to help create the proper magickal atmosphere for working with Earth.
Symbols Square, cornucopia, spindle, scythe, salt
Tools Sheild, pentacle, flail, horn
Plants Alfalfa, cotton, oats, patchouli, vetivert, wheat
Stones Moss agate, jasper, malachite, peridot, tourmaline
Places Caves, forests, fields, gardens, canyons
Zodiac Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Time Winter, midnight
Archangel Auriel
Direction North
Process Grounded, practical, organized, steady, responsible
The Element: Fire