Our oldest daughter, Christina, is 11 and in the 5th grade. She is a great kid and is always willing to help out. She is somewhat of a tomboy and loves to ride on her skooter, rollerblade, skateboard and all other types of sports. She loves to play with her Daddy on Game Cube and is great with her sisters.

Our next to the oldest is Shannon, she is 7 1/2 and in the 2nd grade. She likes school but has a hard time with the concept that she isn't there to play. She is a prissy little girl who loves to wear dresses, play with dolls and play with her kitchen. She LOVES babies and stops people in stores just so she can look at them.

Next is out twins, they are fraternal and don't have alot in common. They are 6 years old and in kindergarden. Even though they don't have a lot in common they are protective over one another. When they were babies, if one fell the other cried, lol.

Terrie is the oldest (by 1 minute lol) and is smart as a whip, we get alot of compliments on how smart she is from her teacher and will be tested for Gifted & Talented sometime after the first of the year. She is extremely shy and has the cutest giggle...you can tell she isn't faking her laugh :) She is and always has been the bigger of the two. She likes running and playing and has no need or time for naps lol. She loves rabbits..I guess that'll be the next pet we welcome into the family :)

Sherrie is very active and will most likely be a gifted athelete. If you want to beat her in a race you are going to need a car lol. She also does very well in school but PE is her favorite subject lol.

Then there is Sammy, our Chow. He is the most awesome dog. Totally uncharacteristic of a Chow. Shannon and the twins learned how to walk pulling up on him. He is almost 8 years old now.

Then there's Veronica Marie (aka Ronni) she is my Miniature Pinscher and is 2 years old. She is the wildest little thing and provides us with lots of laughter.

We also have 5 cats, Tabby, Jessica, Dominick, Fluffy and Cinnamon.

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