Fire is transformation ; it is the life-giving generative powers of the sun. Fire is emblematic of the masculine deity in many cultures and is the element of fervent intensity, aspiration, and personal power. Fire is the force that motivates and drives al living organisms. Fire, along with air, creates energy, gets us going, and produces stamina. It has been said what the mind can imagine (Air), the will (Fire) can create.
Fire Correspondences
The following items are all associated with the element of Fire. Use them collectively or separately to help create the proper magickal atmosphere for working with Fire.
Color red, red-orange (like flames), amber
Symbols Triangle, lightning, flame, salamander
Tools Sword, dagger, fire pot, double-headed ax
Plants Basil, dragon's blod, ginger, orange, tobacco
Stones Ruby, garnet, diamond, bloodstone, flint, and sunstone
Places Volcanoes, ovens, fireplaces, deserts
Zodiac Aries, Leo, Sagitarius
Time Summer, noon
Archangel Michael
Direction South
Process Passion, anger, quick, active, energy, power
Element: Water