presented and moderated by maggieblue and Modesty Blaze

graphic by maggieblue

The Spirit Reading may only be asked for by
those who are unscornful,
who have not eaten of the bean plant today.

Be advised, the Tarot cannot lie.
Be advised, the cards do not divine or foretell or predict.

Be advised, the cards translate our auras visually
into a language we all understand,
the Universal Language of the world,
Love and Tolerance.

Breathe deeply now, Beloved, for you have entered
A Place of Quiet.
In this Place of Quiet, the Breath is one with all.

Those Who Scorn.
Those of Sarcasm.
Those of Elitism.
Those of Racism.
Those Who Do Not Respect the Ancient.
Those Who Do Not Believe.

These poor unfortunates cannot walk in the
Sunlight of the Spirit in this place.
Yes, I know they often believe otherwise.
This is because they live in the Darkness.
However, we here pray for their well-being and blessing,
for they too are loved by the One.

You, Beloved, are here because you are here;
you are here because you are not there;
you are here because you have been invited here.
Know that
there in no coincidence here.

Reflect upon the question you wish to ask.
Since this is a free reading,
know that it will tell just the beginning.
You will receive a Three-Card Reading free only.
So, think well as you pose a question to the Spirit Reader.

Since this is a free service freely and lovingly given,
you must email your question.
Using the email will not distract you, hopefully.
There is no one and nothing to fear here.
Your email address will not be abused.
As well, do not abuse ours or use it frivolously.

Your reading will be more accurate if you send
the MONTH and DAY of your birth.
Your birthyear is NOT needed in the Three-Card Reading.
By sending this information, you will be sent to that one
best able to translate your aura.

Your reading will be sent to you as the Wind Blows...
There is no fire here.
Be patient, for the answers will come.
Please do NOT ask for a free reading often.

Once a week at most is as often as
one should open his or her aura.
An aura bombarded by frequent visitation
speaks in circles.

Before you email your question, please visit
the Page of Spirit To Spirit Readers! click here for that

Au Revoir, Beloved.
Let the Journey begin.

To send your question to Modesty Blaze,
email it to us at

Need to Confess? Go here...

Everyone has a Guardian Angel
"Angel for August Rose" ,used above, by maggieblue.

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Modesty Blaze is member of RWA
The Redhead Womens Alliance

Chapter One


1. Knighthood in Flower webring

2. Our Brief History of TheDarkAges

~This is about Knighthood too~

3. The Dark Ages Links Page

We have a Wonderful Page of Related Links
Features "Iron Wolf"

4. Redheaded Womens Alliance Web Ring

5. Spirit to Spirit Monthly Readers

6. Chinese Zodiac Page

7. Horoscope Zodiac Page

9. Ask Elizabeth Eightball (for children)

TheDarkAges also has a separate page for all Zodiac signs.
~You may reach these from our Homepage below~

~Back to TheDarkAges~

Top Tarot Sites

LINKS TO: To The Glory of God
Home of Daughter of the Ring presented by Maggie Blue

to: Poems for Buddy

to: Oh Mamma, is it worth it?

to: Online Poetry (for my netbuds)

to: Women I Have Loved

to: Men I Have Loved

to: Holding Mamma's Hands

to: A Story of Hands

to: Love At First Sight!

to: Band of Angels...angels and about angels

to: 10 Gifts of Love

'The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Curiosity has its own reasons for existing.
One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates
the mysteries of eternity, of life,
of the marvelous structure of reality.
It is enough if one tries to comprehend
a little of this mystery every day.
Never lose a holy curiosity.'Albert Einstein

~Touch Somebody Right Now Today~

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email them to me at

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