these are all my other friends. I am so popular that I can't fit them all on one page.  maybe not even two.  but yeah.  maybe I should group them in categories.  like friends that I have molested, friends who I have shot heroin with, and friends who i smuggled across the border in my trunk.  yeah that would make sense.  anyways here are a bunch of my other friends. 
Finger: finger is a good guy hes scrappy, scottish and in his free time likes to play bass and guitar.  once Finger was molested by a baby so to make up for It he has an obsession with hardcore.  its kinda funny.  well since I dont have a picture of him this moment I will just leave it at that.  yeah byee.
Bryan: Bryan Is a big fella, one time we were climbing trees together and he fell.  there was an earthquake.  but really me and bryan are like this... and Bryan likes the devil, which I'm ok with een though I have such strong religious beliefs.  one time bryan was smoking and he hacked up a ball of spaghetti... well it looked like spaghetti but it might have just been his little sisters scabs.  oh yeah, his sister was born without skin so she always has these scabs.  and bryan likes to eat them...
This here is brian H.  we like brian H because he is not gay, contrary to this pictures suggestion.  see he has to wear scarfs because when he was a kid he tried to eat a watermelon without a spoon.  he got his head stuck int eh watermelon and his mom had to cut it off.  unfortunatley, she cut his neck and a bunch of tendons were split.  so he went to the ER and and the put a turnicate on it and it got better.  Now brian has to wear a scarf so you can't see the scars.  yeah, creepy.
Brian has been mistaken for a crab
one day Brian wishes to fly an airplane.  but untill then he will just look liek this with his mouth gaping open..
Susie.  this is susie, i met her at YaG.  i guess she is cool enough to mention on my page.  anyways we were at the governers ball aka YaG prom and her dress fell off, right off her body.  well I was the first one to notice, most people were just off in the coner molesting eachother and shooting heroin.  so being the kind man that I am i decided to give her my clothes.  eh no big deal.  anyways this is Susie.
this is chris,  chris like to go off in the sand and drive around at really high speeds.  well he just likes to drive... one time we were driving down my street and we hit a bump and his car went off the ground.  one of his tires exploded on the landing.  yeah. thats sucked so we had to wrap my dog Lucky  around the wheel so the rims wouldnt get broken. but my dog is fine now, it just lost a leg, an ear, its tail, and  one of its eyes got gouged.  but its ok. 
Back home or ill beat you with the stick you have already been beaten so many times with, slave.