The City of Portage


These images do not actually belong to the Dark Society. They have been altered a little, but the source is Come discover and learn the secrets behind the enviromental structure of Portage Indiana, home of the Dark Society.

Prince:Lucas d'Marabo
Seneschal:Lady Addams
Primogen: Silver Ice
Frederick Kandor
Bloodhunted:Dmitri Alexandre
Kine Population:37,000

Suprisingly, this is not just a normal Indiana country town. It is the largest city in Porter County, and has a huge residential community. The city is a pocket in the earth where people come to live, and nothing else. This is extremely visable in the lack of commercial areas in the city. There are two major districts to spend the money that is gained: 1.) A downtown area between the intersections of Willowcreek and Central, and Central and Airport Road. In this long wild strip there is a Grocery store, the Portage Mall, City Hall, and numerous little stores, including a psychic's shop. 2.) A southside area at the intersection of Willowcreek and Route 6. Here there is a booming commercial area, including some nice resteraunts, another strip mall, and the common American "across the street" clash between major department stores. These stores, along with a some hidden pawn shops and an occasional Quickstop or Bar, are the extent of the commercial businesses supplying this cozy community. As far as social outlets are concerned, there are a couple major hangouts, and prime feeding grounds. Firstly, on rt. 6, there is a movie theatre. The pleasure this gives the people of Portage is unbelievable, and the money it takes in is tremendous. There is also a Skating rink, and a Pool hall: both favorites with young and old alike. For the more adventurous, there is Vandala's Nightclub. This classy to grunge hangout has boosted the south side of the city a tremendous amount, and helped to expand the protected grounds of the city all the way down to a small town called Wheeler. The nightclub itself is a three level establishment, each floor playing a differnt type of music, with a vastly different atmosphere. With mirror cielings, a fantastic "anything you want" bar, cage dancers, and a mix of Industrial Metal and Techno music to pulse the body and trance the soul, it has become an inviting trap to the youth of the city. The two top floors are open to the public, but a "members only" basement (that isn't even publically known about) is a palace of vampiric delights. It is here that Vandala has her own suite, a collection of guest rooms, and a number of offices that hold both her personal records, and her "inventory"....which is comparable to a Medieval armory.
The community is predominently Caucasian (~93%). The cities origin is rather simple. It started off as a collection of townships and than grew into the city of Portage in the 60's. The city is the labor for the Steel mills which rest on the Lake Shore. Also, Portage has one of the the largest ports on the lake, making it very accessible for trades and imports.

Here is the page of Chamber of Commerce for Portage.

Most likely this is starting to sound like some tourist brochure. As far as the Kindred are concerned, Portage has become a stronghold on the side of the Camarilla. Since the fall of Chicago to the Sabbat, and its consumption of most of the neighboring areas, Portage has become almost essential in the Camarilla's connections across the Great Lakes. It has not been easy, however, keeping the city under patient control.
To the east of the map is the City of Chesterton, another of these quaint Indiana towns. It however, has closer connections to its own internalized commercial empire. With a few scant residential areas, the members of its Kindred community prefer the solitude of independance. Furhtermore, since so much of that region is surrounded by woods, many kindred are weary of entering into its Lupine rich territory. A point must be made that anything south of rt. 30 in Indiana (about 15 miles south of Portage) is just a vast country side with forests and fields. Locals of the area jest that "Annie-thang south of '30' is Southern Indian-ah". This wilderness curves around the cities of South Bend, Chesterton, Portage, westward around Gary, around Chicago, and closes just north of Milwaukee. These cities make up the southwestern border of the lake, and are the island of Kindred rich societies in the wilderness that is the Northern Mid-west. It is for this reason that Kindred of this region are especially fond of the Gangrel, and were very hurt by their departure from the Camarilla. Furthermore, it is very common to see Lupines and Kindred just minutes apart. In this part of the world, there is a constant battle for the Kindred to expand into the Lupine world. It also explains why it was so easy for the Lupines to Infiltrate the city of Chicago and tear Lodin to bits.
To the west of Portage is a small town called Lake Station. This tract of residences is under constant conquering between Portage and Gary. The town holds alledgience to neither, and the few Kindred there honestly don't care either way. What they do not want however, is to be ruled. Like Chesterton, they prefer their independant world. Further to the west is the city of Gary, the home of Modius, the renegade Toreador, and former heir to the throne of Chicago. Modius has always eyed Chicago, but he has no friends in the city, both when it was Camarilla, and now when it is Sabbat. His inabliity to handle Gary's loss at Lodin's hands have secured an eternal distaste for the man. Travelling further west , one goes through Hammond and then into Chicago,where you find the new Sabbat World Center. The city of Chicago is only about an hour away from Portage, and the connections were strong until about three years ago. That is when "The Dark Society" was essentially forced to the remote town, and when Chicago fell.

These two Manors exist in the far nothern reaches of the very rich lake-side community called Ogden Dunes. Both mansions are rather large, but do not stick out for the houses in the area are all very extravagent. Both Mansions boast balconies, multiple bedrooms, occult libraries, and a set of underground tunnels, that actually connect the two mansions.

Obviously, these are not the only havens in the city, and definetly not the only havens of Guenevere and Lucas.

This city is real, and the SOME of the information provided is true. If there are issues, you may contact the Coordinators:
Pierre Sosa Prince Jay Ted Stearns