So long as there is a night, the moon will rise. So long as the moon rises, it will change its phase. As the moon changes each night, so does the life of the Kindred in every city. Even beyond death, one does not stop finity. Since the distant memory of the foundation of the city, many curious creatures have floated in and out of the world of Kindred. Some seem to have fallen into an alien world, there whereabouts unknown. For others, their loss is permenant; force to reconcile their differences with God in a world beyond the ghosts that haunt the souls of their killers. Here lie those members. These are the ghosts of the city. These are the lost souls of Kindred Portage.
...and where the hell is Frederick?

Nancianna Pedrona (Toreador)

A child of the 60's, Nancianna had always dreamed of peace and love. Although her methods were often lacking in both of those concepts, she always seemed to get what she wanted; or whom she wanted. A seductress of high degree, she was often seen in the company of wealthy debutantes and those of high society, a fitting place for a Toreador. However, it was her interest in the occult that carried her to Portage. Seeking the occult knowledge of Guenevere Addams. The exact nature of the relationship between her and Lady Addams is still in dispute. After an unexplained event, Nancianna fled the city leaving her mortal younger sister in the reluctant care of Lady Addams. Her whereabouts are unknown.

John Talebane a.k.a The Mage (Order of Hermes)

The rebel mage fell ironically when compared to how he had risen. He was an elemental mage who had a great dealing with Neptune. Waters in the presence of the mage would rise and fall as if by the tide of the moon. Water spouts sprang to life at his word, and submerged enemies in one breath. He had come to portage through a contact and worked for money and fun. His occult nature was picked up by others of the darkened world, but instead of being punished for it, he was explored. He came in handy during many battles, and his knowledge of the occult and the world were useful. Furthermore, he held little regard for what his elders said, and was unworried at the idea of dealing with these creatures. However, the mage was also violent and short-tempered. He was quick to attack and was challenged by the idea of having to think things through. Dmitri, tired of dealing with the mage and hearing tall tales, caught the mage in a sour mousetrap. The mage was escaping Dmitri through a sewer system. The darkened damp tunnels echoed the footsteps of the fleeing mage. Dmitri took a napalm bomb and sent it hurling after the watery wizard. In an instant the fires engulfed the mage. He is believed to be dead. Recent events however, are questioning the validity behind this. A member of the Akashic Brotherhood. named Lumis, has recently entered town seeking information on his good friend, John Talebane. Could the mage have imprisoned himself in the waters to choke the flames. Does the mage still lurk after his vampire traitors?

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