Davis Drive Middle School
2101 Davis Drive
Cary, North Carolina 27519
Tel: 919.387.3033
Parent Volunteers
Over the course of the year, we will be looking for several parents who are willing to help us out!  Our need for volunteers changes based on what types of activities we are working on as a team, but there are always a few constants:
Parent Coordinators: These parents would be responsible for working closely with our team of teachers, helping to plan upcoming activities and to identify needs.  Parent coordinators also organize specific activities with other parents.  Examples of activities include:  Honors Assemblies, Holiday Celebrations, End of the Year Celebrations, Special Classroom Activities, Community Service Activities etc.  
Volunteer Tutors: Over the course of the school year, we often find students who are struggling with their class work  At times, these children need some extra help from a concerned adult.  If you are interested in volunteering as a tutor, your time would be greatly appreciated!  We will need people to help with all subject areas, and are very flexible about times...Whenever you can come, we will arrange to have the students available!
Guest Speakers:  We also enjoy having guest speakers come and present to our classes.  The children enjoy hearing from different presenters, and we love to connect our classes to "the real world!"  If you have an interest, a hobby, or a profession that you would be willing to share with our students, let us know!  Topics in the past have ranged from computer programming and engineering to rocketry and world travel.  
Field Trip Chaperones:  These are often the bravest of parent volunteers!  Anytime that we take a field trip, we will need parents to come along and keep an "eye" on our students.  Imagine trying to take 120 students on a trip without lots of adult supervision.  Your help is much appreciated, and you'll probably enjoy yourself too!
Classroom Activity Helpers:  There will also be times during the year where individual teachers will need help from parents during classroom activities.  Your extra set of hands can often make a special project much easier to pull off.  Projects range from helping with research in the library to helping to build Gingerbread houses at Christmas.  If you like being around kids, this would be a great way for you to volunteer.
Donations:  A very important role that you can fill for us this year is to send in items that we may request.  There will be times when we will need food for honors assemblies, specific types of folders for language arts, or supplies for the science room.  By helping to purchase needed materials for these activities, you would be making a direct impact on the quality of our classroom life!
Anything Else that You Can Think Of:  If there is anything that you have done for your children's teachers in the past that you would like to do again, let us know!  We would be thrilled to have you help us out in the same way.  All of your volunteer time is much appreciated!
If you are interested in volunteering in some capacity, please contact Mrs. Vroome.  He is going to be our parent liaison, coordinating activities and volunteers!  
...And Thank You for Sharing Your Time!