nDrEa'S hIgH fLyIn No DeNyIn MaLaChAi sHrInE

et wild, Get Crazy...Make Saturday Morning Hazy

fUnKy gRrRrRl aNdReA!!!!!!!!!

aug 2007 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! malach my baby u r a kind man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i heard bout u!!!! i weeped on the bucket in my wig 4 u like u sed 2 do 4 u!!!! i hope ur ok.... yer cell must be broke cuz it says your numbers dont match when i call it. r u ok???? hang in there QT boi!!!!! i know ur life upside down kinda like that one time when you made me sit base over apex like u sed but u can do a new life like u sed in your quests. i never laughed like you sed cuz i got them!!!!!!! ur still inspirational 4 me!!! im still ur gr8 fan babe! i didnt betray like u sed. windowlicker!!!!! chin up my windowlicker!!! and i listen to your jamsextants 2. is that like when u make forestaffs of jams to lead u to better jams? kewl. ur so kewl my baby. and i turned 21 2 4 u. maybe u could take me to that cowboys bar u always told me bout. malach u have saw ur grreatest fears and the only way 4 u 2 go is up 2 the stars. u can let my pudding pops melt out of your freezer cuz i don't need them no more and and i just keep my love in my heart 4 u 2 keep me strong 4 u. i wont pray 4 u like u sed nether. i luv u!!!!!!! now u at least found ur question so u can finally find your answer11!!!!!!!!! it is ur destiny malachai DE$TINY!!!!! call me baby!!!!!!!!! i luv u!!!!!!
O’ pain is luv, o’ pain is luv, o’ pain is luv, y u not tell me dat pain is LUV!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! malach sent me stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over the years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here B-gnu pics of malach and his STUFFFFFFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JAN 24TH 2005!!!!!!! malach sent me somthin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:::!!!

"american idol..... stop talking frog, you hick. and i don't read catologues. i just posue. eat some liberty fries, wetvac. but thanks!!! :) every time i feel stupid, i just think about how you think i'm real, and then i feel smart. just suck and fuck your way to the top, with a half-life of 15 days, and i'll feel smart!!!!! pony boots!!!! unfathomability!!!!"
Jan 20, 2005.......O� love! Malach is uses me as his punching bag now!!!!!!!! CREAM!!!!!...... he sent me this one:::!!!

�Funky Girl Andrea,

Stop trying to be a real girl, fuckbot. And please make sure the next pamphlet you synthesize is of correct syntax and punctuation, as your inappropriate use of italics is annoying. Go to college, dabbler. Tourist! AMAZING. And quit with the visits at 4 AM.



malach for prez in 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dec. 13 '04!!!! yyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh la la loo loo boo bah dah dah la lew doo doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my savior snet me a x-mas letter!!!!!!!!!! he sed is was a crimmas story. i wanna SuXoR his cOx sooooo baaaaaadddddddd!!!!! i LUV HIM> here's the letter from malach:

Funky Girl Andrea,

Last night, when i was shaking hands with the un- employed, knocking the dew off the lily, before rubbing fat into the sow's ass, or should i say, rubbing it down with an oaken cudgel, thoughts began to run through my mind as fast as pudding would creep, so i rushed the growler. on the way to the liquor store, i spied una requita de aquella, who claimed that she was a sack chaser, so i started running my hand up the flagpole. after she showed to me the second hole down from the back of her neck, i scoffed fishheads and scrambled the gills. i thought, stay for long john the carrier malo, this here's some fine sea pussy. send for the green van! i soon blasted betwixt wind and water, and the cunt-eyed vixen showed me where the bear shit in the buckwheat was located, right before offering me a box of bitch butter. after about a half hour of shucking and jiving, a sidewalk super- intendent commented on how well i had slipped my dainty davie into the badger's touch hole. i let out a street yelp, and let that tawny miss smoke my baldy.

Season's Greetings, M

MY GAWD i wish i was the una requita de aquella. i get sooooo moist when malach sends me stufff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MERYY CRIMMAS!!!!! and my angel if your reading this its my b-day in feb. 2/. u can give me 19 spanks!!!! :p LOUV U!!!!!

Nov. 18 2004! ohmigod ohmiod ohmigod!!!!! malach snet me this christmas pix!!!!!! i wish my name was anne!!!! wouldt it b grate to be FUNKY GRRRL ANNE??????? I LUV ALL U GUYZ!!!!!! and malach sed he mad at STEVE ANGEL cuz he won't fix his site!!! steve angel said that if malach wanted peeps to s more his reviewz that they shuold go 2 barnes and noble or here!!!!!!

Nov. 11th 2004!!!!
This message come from the grand moff pontius to me by him!!!! I�m so excited! I LUV the grand moff! He got my NEW cell phone number!!!!!! here it is:


I LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV those boyz!!!!!! call me ponch!!!!! I know how to suck dix good rite now!!!!!! I LUV it!!!!!!


Oct. 13th 2004
whoa......MAN!! it's been EIGHT years since that boy entered the life of many adoring kidz. Okay, so here i am...i'm back! im listenin to malach's cd.. i miss my angel! :( i went to NYC and on April 15th i met my beautiful Coolbreeze outside of TRL....who has been my best Malachai pal for almost two years now. We visited St. Marks Place(34th st) where Malach's cd is named after! we called the boi..but he wasen't home. i heard some news about malach. word on da street is that he keeps haven to fire his interns cuz they can't pass the test of old-dude. this new intern named joey tried to pass da test, but he couldn't!!! first malach made him watch this, THREE TIMES!!! (right click and save-as on the LiNkS!!!!!) then it was time for old-dude to beat joey too, but he failed. . i proudly say that afta all this time,my heart is still burstin with malach love!! I too heard more newz about malachai + his friends. Word on da streetz sez malach did a 2 day stint at the blackburn correction facility for selling back issuez of ace magazine out of the back of his prizm at woodland park. Word on the street sez theres pics of this biznezz. I can�t wait to see!!! PAT dances around when malach plays his performances. Pat helped to drink bob�s booze!!! Steve angel broke into petty cash at da 4xbeaver offices to buy this. And this. And this. Malach planned to use the petty cash to make a new video for TRL but since Steve stole it the only video malach could pay for was this one. (Right click on da LiNkz) At this Malach sed to steve: �our situation is precarious! All we have left is a bunch of bad debt hidden under a good name!� so malach tried to get more money wen he posted a TRL hit "making time continental" here. expect many more updates soon!!!!!!



Why I made this site:
the world's most loveable and Fun entertainer is Malachai. but since we're friends, he told me i could call him MALACH....He's the most unique person I've ever seen in my life, and the most insperational.
Malach means a lot to me. He has taught me that it's cool to be yourself and yourself is what makes you cool.
Before Malach was in my life I was like everyone else...and now I'm myself, that crazy funky girl has come out....in how I act and dress. Malachai has played a huge part in this but my friends and family are great too....and they love me for who I am "Funky Girl Andrea." I have never seen or heard of a time when Malachai has been rude---he has a HUGE heart...I can not see why people would not like him. The day I met him was the best day of my life, he was so loving-I was In Heaven standin next to my Angel. I love how Malach inspires so many people..........how many other celebs can you say that about? How many other celebs inspire kids to be themselves..not to judge....be kind...love people...belive in yourself...belive in your dreams...and have a blast doing it all at the same time?
Only one comes to my mind...Malachai ...and that's why I dedicate this page to him with all my heart and soul. I love you Malach!!!!! <3<3 @}--}-- Malach if you're reading this-Please E-mail me at ben@lexingrad.net. Any Malachai Fans..feel free to E-mail me! Keep the Malach Pride Alive!!!!!!!!!!

Malachai tis my Little Saviour!!!


Oct. 10th 2004
it has been said that only an artist can understand malach. good thing im an artist 2!!!!!!!

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Don't be Afraid to be Different-The One and Only MALACHAI

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This page was last updated Tues Oct 20 18:33:00 2004 Pacific time