bboyneko1: the bible says donkeys talked and that god orders his people to kill babies
bboyneko1: it says a lot of weird things
janiz1998: god never ordered to kill babys and u dont believe the donkey talked?
bboyneko1: hmm
bboyneko1: i guess you should read 1 samuel chapter 15
janiz1998: u must dont belive in satan or jesus
janiz1998: o...when they captured the cannanite people??
bboyneko1: 1 samuel 15 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy [1] everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and suckling babies, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.' "
janiz1998: u know why he said that
bboyneko1: because the babies deserved to die?
bboyneko1: as we all know, many newborn infants commit so many sins they should be put to death
bboyneko1: oops caps
janiz1998: u mean bold? and god did that to show them the complete destruction of thoes that dont serve him
bboyneko1: lol
bboyneko1: so you think
bboyneko1: its ok to kill babies for what their parens did
bboyneko1: or do you somehow beleive the babies deserved to die
janiz1998: no....u dont kill babies for their parents...but u have to remember that we all sin and fall short and since god is a merciful god, he wud probably resurect a baby
bboyneko1: lol!!!!
bboyneko1: he is so merciful
bboyneko1: he kills babies
bboyneko1: thats pretty good
bboyneko1: and so loving
bboyneko1: he mercifully and lovingly kills babies by sword and spear
janiz1998: he did offer up his own son didnt he?
bboyneko1: yes, but the bible has it so jesus is sacrificed as a sacrifice for humans sins
bboyneko1: the babies didnt do ANYTHING
bboyneko1: they were 100% innocent
janiz1998: no.
janiz1998: we are BORN sinners
bboyneko1: yet god, despite his infinite power to for example, NOT kill babies chooses to kill them
bboyneko1: just a second ago you denied god had ever ordered the killing of babies
janiz1998: yeah i wasnt thinking abt the cannanites
bboyneko1: ooh so newborn babies deserve death
bboyneko1: so whats wrong with abortion?
janiz1998: any sinner deserves death
bboyneko1: even a baby
bboyneko1: i cant beleive im hearing this
bboyneko1: death to babies! lol
bboyneko1: they are sinners! hehe
janiz1998: u believe all are sinners?
bboyneko1: no
janiz1998: whys that
bboyneko1: what wrong did a baby do?
bboyneko1: a baby is born
bboyneko1: and wants food
bboyneko1: dosent even know what god is
janiz1998: they have and imperfection
bboyneko1: or 1+1
bboyneko1: a baby is the essense of innocense
janiz1998: the are imperfect
bboyneko1: 'whomever is like one of these small children shall enter into the kingdom of god' jesus said about babies
janiz1998: still thats the point...they will sin because it is inevitable for all humans that are born of a man
janiz1998: like a child...
janiz1998: meaning being humble
bboyneko1: lol...this conversation is are telling me its ok for god to kill babies
bboyneko1: hahahha
bboyneko1: you lose
bboyneko1: ;)
janiz1998: i say god is perfect in justice
bboyneko1: yup
bboyneko1: so again you say
janiz1998: he has his reasons for everything he does
bboyneko1: God is LOVING, god is MERCIFUL..god is PERFECT and never unjust
janiz1998: and it will bablance out in the end
bboyneko1: so you tell me it is LOVING, MERCIFUL, and perfectly JUST to kill babies
janiz1998: u cnat say that of humans
bboyneko1: message me again
bboyneko1: when you can show why it is ok for god to not just kill babies
bboyneko1: but kill them by sword and spear
bboyneko1: if god is perfect, he could have peacefull killed them
janiz1998: back then that was the most peacful way to kill someone
bboyneko1: hahahaha
bboyneko1: god is ALL PWOERFUL
bboyneko1: he can kill anyone anyway he wants
bboyneko1: he didnt have to use spears
bboyneko1: he didnt even have to kill babies
bboyneko1: why not just kill the sinners
bboyneko1: and have the jews adopt the babies
bboyneko1: so they can grow up knowing god
bboyneko1: that would be loving and just
bboyneko1: oh my god i cant beleive this
bboyneko1: if god took your newborn baby and had him killed by sword
bboyneko1: youd be like
bboyneko1: its ok he was a sinner anyway
bboyneko1: and god will ressurect him
janiz1998: i would and so wud any other person that believes in the bible