Plato's law of non-contradiction says that two contradictory statements cannot both be true. Yet what do we hear today? "Truth is relative. Your truth is as good enough as my truth, as long as it works for you." Yet this is self-contradictory, because the very statement "truth is relative" is an absolute statement. Of all of the belief systems, only one can be right. To combat this, pluralists argue that only moral truth is relative. But this denies a fundamental nature of truth: truth is narrow.

Consider mathematical truth. Two plus two equals four. Of all the numbers on the number line, only one answer is correct. That is extremely narrow. Consider historical truth. The Norman Invasion occurred 1066 AD. Not 1067 AD, not 1065 AD. Only during one period of time did it occur. That is extremely narrow. Consider scientific truth. If a scientific theory is testable, falsifiable (in principle), and repeatable, it is truth. Every time hydrogen combusts in air it forms hydgrogen oxide with the surrounding oxygen molecules, and nothing else. That is extremely narrow.

This now begs the question, which religion is right? Well, first consider that truth is unique. Therefore, one would expect the true way to be different from every other way, no? In this regard, I believe Christianity is truth because it is fundamentally different, making claims that not one other religion makes:

1. Faith alone, and not works, is required for salvation (Eph. 2:8-9, Rom. 3:28).
2. Jesus desires a personal relationship with His children (John 1:8).
3. Christianity is the only religion that worships a living God (Matt. 28:5-6).
4. Other religions expect you to die for their God. Christianity says that God died for you (John 3:16).

Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That is very narrow-minded. Now you either believe this, or you do not: "He who is not with Me is against Me," (Matthew 12:30a). Regardless of what believe, you believe something, and it affects you. You may tell others what you think, but you will live what you believe. Distorting the truth, hiding from the truth, or ignoring the truth does not change the fact that truth exists. You must choose.

Humanists may feel comfortable believing that ALL religions are wrong, claiming that the only truth is natural, objective truth. Yet humanism itself is a religion that requires much faith. Naturalistic philosophy contains serious flaws.

First, humanists have no standard whatsoever by which to decide right or wrong. All behavior can only be categorized in terms of what is beneficial for the survival of a species and what is not. Therefore, humanists can only appeal to popular opinion in society. Popular opinion, however, proves unreliable and dangerous. Cultures lacking a definite standard tend to sink towards the lowest common denominator of pleasure to achieve happiness, defining right and wrong in terms of what conflicts with self-interest (pleasure) and what does not.

Secondly, humanists may then try to appeal to the human conscience. Yet naturalism rejects the conscience, because it is inconsistent with evolutionism. Evolutionism tells us that only animals do only that which is beneficial for the species. But humans are not animals. Unlike animals, we experience feelings such as love, joy, hope, peace, and so on. Humans seeks justice, virtue, education. If a humanist sees a child about to get hit by a car, he will try to save the child. If a humanist's house is robbed, he will seek justice. Therefore, evolutionists can only say that our conscience evolved, despite its contradiction with naturalism and complete absence of scientific proof. Is this not blind faith?

The conscience favors Christianity, which says that humans were created in God's image. God provided mankind with general revelation so that at the Great White Throne Judgment all of mankind will be "without excuse" (Romans 1:20). "...for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness..." (Romans 2:14-15a). God has written His law on our hearts---the conscience.

In this reguard, humanism must borrow from Christianity. It cannot stand on its own.

Finally, in case you are still clinging to moral relativism, you may believe that truth is simply not attainable. Thus, you are an idealist---the truth is out there, we just cannot reach it. Well, whether or not we can grasp truth does not change the fact that it exists. And mathematics, history, and science has shown that, yes, truth is attainable. Basically, you reject absolute truth with blind faith.

In conclusion, what do you believe? More importantly, why do you believe it? Are your beliefs founded in man's fallible wisdom, which you use as an ideological stronghold to hide from God?

"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it" (Matthew 7:13-14).