These are all of the races you can choose from.

Sayia-Jin: A race of people that can go to Super Sayia-Jin in times of need. only a handful left in the universe. all SSJ starters start out with 100 points extra of Strength

Mage: Able to use magic in battle and cast spells. all mages start out with 100 stamina extra.

Unknown: theres not very much to say about these people except that they are very powerful when it comes to magic. they start out with 50 extra in stamina and strength.

Changelings: they have the ability to Morph into who they are battling. there are levels of changelings to where you can morph into different things. Changelings al start out with the move Morph lvl 1.

Arans: they are humans with special powers that always wear a certain type of suit.  they start out with 100 extra in cc.

Brood: They are humans with special powers to change in to dragons when ever they want. each dragon has its own move. To change in to a certain dragon you must have a certain amount of PL. Dragon Forms