There once was a girl named Ki. Ki liked dogs. Ki saw the movie 'Cats and Dogs'. Ki met Callie. Ki and Callie started 'Katz and Dogz'.

It was probably the worst thing they've ever done. Now look what happened. :|

The dogz - lead by Ki - and the katz - lead by Callie - soon gained members. Like any RP on neopets or elsewhere, members came, faded, died, rehabilitated, froze, dethawed, quit, came back, and fucked. Over time, the RP died and most of the people faded from contact. But while they didn't RP, they talked. Alot. They talked ooc about, well, everything. And they became friends.

And they became the startings of 'The Clique'.

The Clique was, at that time, contrived of few: Ki and Callie, of course, respectively joined by Lexi, Anna, Spaz, Bob, Kali, Nikki, and Molly.

Enter Jen. Jen, a member of TMP and an aquantaince of Nikki, contacted Kali to show her... er, condolensces. (Read: OHMYGOD THE HORROR come join tmp so I can fuck you k.) Like a cockroach, Jen refused to die.

So now she's here too.

But Jen is not the only non-K+Der, mercifully. Enter Kath, ex-StNer slash crazed Canadian friend of Kali's. Using her amazing high connections (Kali) she managed to weasel her way into the clique. That lucky bitch. :)

And we cannot forget Mauie! Mauie was gagged, blindfolded and dragged into the Clique by Jen, her best friend.

And here we are today. The Clique, as we call ourselves, are bigger, stronger and more perverted than ever.

Ohh, you'd better ph34r us. Ph34r us /good/.

Bob is not exactly sure why he is the only guy in the clique, his theory: The others all raped/ate/and castrated the other males until they were to scared to join in the clique. Bob will fight any male for the roel of he-bitch in the clique.