HWF Promo #19: There's no such thing as a 2-D personality

[As the night fog drifted along the coast line, it seemed as if the divide between the couple was far too great now. Maybe two months ago things would have been different, but now that the relationship had fallen upon hard times… the end just felt inevitable. Stacy Veness was such an open person and she had this habit of making her feelings known above all else. You might say that it was an admirable quality. After all, isn’t honesty the best policy? Perhaps it is, but her boyfriend certainly didn’t think so. Slowly, he moves his arm towards her shoulder as the wind blows into his face. Stacy knocks it away swiftly. The boyfriend sighs as he struggles to find the right words to use. It’s definitely a tough one. Only fools fall in love…]

Chris – “Look, Stacy, I’ve said I’m sorry and I really don’t know what else to tell you. All of this is just a big mistake and I swear that it won’t happen again.”

Stacy – “Do you honestly believe what you’re saying? I’ve given you chance after chance, Chris. It feels as if this was never meant to be. I’m not sure about anything anymore.”

Chris – “Please, don’t say that. You can say anything else but don’t say that. It hurts too much.”

Stacy – “So, you’re asking me to hide the truth from you? You can’t just run away from this.”

Chris – “Don’t you think I know that? All I know is that I’ve had my happiest memories with you and I really don’t want one stupid mistake to spoil things. I shouldn’t have done it and if I could change the past then I really would. You’ve got to believe me, Stace.”

[There’s a cold silence as the sand begins to swirl around between Champion’s toes. The strange thing about the scenario is that Chris can’t actually recall the last time he went out of his way to apologise to someone. He stands, on the beach, with his rented tuxedo looking particularly soggy and his facial expression mirrors the dampness of the suit. The joys of high school dances…]

Stacy – “I don’t know what to believe anymore, Chris. I took you into my home and you’ve thrown it all back in my face. My family actually kind of liked you. After you went home the other day, my Mom couldn’t stop singing your praises and even my brother thought you were pretty cool. How am I going to tell them about this?”

Chris – “This isn’t about your family, Stacy. This is about you and me. Please, just give me one more chance and I promise nothing like this will ever happen again.”

Stacy – “Even if I do then it’s going to be hard to forget something like this. I’ve been looking forward to this and you’ve just ruined everything for me. EVERYTHING!”

Chris – “I can’t apologise enough. I was in the wrong and I really shouldn’t expect you to take me back, but I can’t help but think that it’d be a mistake. We’re so good together. One stupid error on my part shouldn’t spoil months of hard work. I care about you, Stacy. I care about you too much to just lose you like this.”

Stacy – “I care about you too but it’s hard to just forgive you. Do you realise how embarrassed I was? You made me feel absolutely horrible and all I know is that I never want to experience that feeling again.

Chris – “Just give me one more chance and I promise that you won’t. I’m not going to allow it to happen anymore; I’ll change my ways. ”

[Their eyes meet for the first time as Stacy turns around to acknowledge Champion’s presence. The gulf between the two is narrowed by the collision of their pupils. They begin to remember the olden days as the memories of happier times seem to flood back. However, the image of Champion being drenched in punch is still at the forefront of Stacy’s thoughts. She can’t avoid it nor can she see through it. Her tone lowers a little as she speaks, without the snarl that Chris had been expecting, once more]

Stacy – “I just don’t know what to do. It’s not a question of not caring about you. I’ve just never been treated like this before though.”

Chris – “You really do deserve better than this from me but this is just a one off and I swear on my life that you’ll never see a repeat. If you can’t trust me though then there really is no point. Please, give me an answer, Stacy. I’m begging you.”

Stacy – “I really don’t know, Chris. Most of the time when I'm with you, you actually make me feel special, but tonight you stepped over the mark in a big way. I’m going to need time to clear my head and think things over.”

[Champion stands perfectly still in the sand as he watches Stacy walk off back up the hill. He questions himself as he tries to find the words to win her back. Time is running out though and in another couple of seconds she’s going to be out of sight…]

Chris – “Can I at least drive you home?”

[Stacy stops for a moment as she peers down at Chris. A part of her certainly would like a ride home but she’s got far too much pride. After a few moments of conveying her emotions with a blank stare she continues her trek up the hill. Out of sight but not out of mind]

Chris – “Guess not.”

[Champion kicks at the sand in disgust and curses his luck once again. He’d let the greatest girl at school slip out of his grasp and there was nothing he could say to make it better. As he peered out across the water, he began to wonder what kind of person he’d grow up to be. Will he be proud of the man that he’s growing into? Will the world be proud of the man that he’s growing into? So many questions and so little time]

Chris Champion had a lot of decisions to make as he struggled on towards his future.

Is it going to be option A or option B, Chris?