HWF Promo #30: Expectancy - A lifelong struggle

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Walking downstairs at 7 am in the morning is something I hate doing. I hate it because frankly I’m not a morning person. Also, I’m usually greeted by an array of unwashed plates and empty beer bottles from the night before. On this particular morning, I’d slid into my silk dressing gown and proceeded to waltz around my house, pretending to be some kind of Japanese warrior that was ready for battle. I’d always admired Master Splinter’s kimono and figured… why not?

As I danced around the kitchen floor trying to convince myself that I was in fact the fifth ninja turtle, I grabbed at one of the bigger knives that I’d stocked up on my shelf. Like a giddy teenager, I wafted the weapon around in the air and twirled around like Travolta in Saturday night fever. Alright, I didn’t look anything like a samurai warrior, but at least I was having fun.

That was, until the weapon fell from my grip and plummeted into my foot.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I cried out, hopping around like Bugs Bunny on acid.

A burning sensation swept my leg as composure went out of the window and I was reduced to a humiliated idiot that couldn’t even control his own kitchen. After a while, the pain died down and I bandaged the foot up and stopped the bleeding. Angrily, I looked around the kitchen in an attempt to find someone to share the ordeal with.

No one.

That was when I realised…

I was alone and I wasn’t a Japanese warrior.

I slumped back in my chair, dropping my head as I did so and faced the ground. For all my power, fame and wealth, I couldn’t claim the girl I wanted most and to add insult to injury… I was a bumbling idiot.

Long live Chris Champion. The world’s biggest superstar…

Or is that world’s biggest clown?

Choose your destiny?