HWF Promo #36: Final Atonement - Part 1

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Ding-ding! Round 1!

“You didn’t really want to hit Dominic with that chair on Sunday, did you? Why can’t you just admit it? Over the past few months, wrestling and being around him has enabled you to build up a degree of respect for him… maybe even to the point whereby you consider him a friend.”

“Excuse me? But just who the FUCK are you to tell Chrissy what he does and does now know? Listen, Champ, you live your own life. Nobody tells Chris Champion how to eat his cornflakes. Nobody tells Chris Champion how to smile. Nobody tells Chris Champion that he considers the Perculator a friend!”

“Don’t listen to him. You’re better than all of this now. You don’t need him anymore.”

“No, lady. He doesn’t need YOU anymore! I kicked your ass on Sunday night and caused all of this… and I can do it again!”

“I don’t think so. Not this time. Look at him; he’s either going to change or simply fail to function as a person. You’re killing him!”

“The only thing in danger of being killed is you and your stupid, old fashioned, goodie two shoes mannerisms. Face it, baby. Society is fucked. Long live Rock N Roll lifestyles and unprotected sex!”

That’s when it hit me. The devil was right. Society IS fucked.