“Whatever you’ve done in the past is irrelevant. You’re here to work for this Company and to give it your all week in week out. There is no place for a past in the Hardcore Wrestling Federation. All we are concerned with is what you do in our ring. Forget the past because it’s worthless” – HWF Talent Scout

No one can sit on the laurels and just be content with what they’ve achieved already. Well, I suppose that they can but is there any point? Is there any point in bragging about the past? I certainly don’t think so. You can’t brag when there’s still a war to fight. If you’ve goals that are unachieved and unaccomplished then your hard work isn’t over.

The people who actually make something of themselves don’t stop until that final bell. They don’t stop for a coffee break. They bust their ass in order to get to the top and then they’re in a position whereby they can tell the world that they’re the best. Even then though, the true elites of this world don’t even don’t even do that. Once they’re at the top, they work harder to ensure they stay there.

And now as the HWF prepares for American Nightmare, we see two opposites collide in Travis Miller and The Educator.

Travis Miller seems content on past matches and past companies. The Educator is focused on his rise to the top in the HWF. I’m not here to lecture anyone on ethics or logic but it would seem that Champion is the one with his head screwed on.

The question is – where does this all end?

[The scene begins with a shot of an empty arena in Orlando. The ring team are beginning to assemble the ring in time for the latest episode of Sunday Suicide. Suddenly, the camera pans over to one seat in the arena in particular. A lonesome, solitary figure sits silently and watches on as the ring pulls itself together. It’s Chris Champion. He’s wearing a leather jacket, white T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. There is something about him – something in his eyes – that suggests that what he is about to say is important. He begins to speak]

The Educator – “You know, upon entry to the HWF, I sat here and watched them assemble the same ring piece by piece. I sat silently and let them get on with it. I’ll be the first one to admit that’s it quite strange but I’m glad that I did it.

It made me appreciate things a lot more.

It made me appreciate and understand how every person that works for this Company has some kind of role to play in churning out a weekly show. It made me understand just how much effort every individual puts in to make the HWF work as an efficient and co-operative unit.

This Business is everything that I’ve ever dreamed of. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to. That’s why I’m as easily pleased with watching the ring being assembled as I am walking through that curtain and down that aisle. Well, almost. You see, I’ve never been one to care about the fans. Even if they erupted in a chorus of pro Educator chants as I stepped through that same curtain, it wouldn’t mean anything to me. I’ve always been about getting the job done and that’s what I do best.

I live for this industry. I live to wrestle. I do not live to please the morons that continually watch HWF shows. I can live without these people. Either way I know that they’re going to keep buying my T-shirts. These same idiots, the ones that boo and jeer me, are keeping me in the life that I want to lead. They’re paying for my meals, cars, everything. So, they can boo me all they want – I’m getting the last laugh.

That’s what it all boils down to as well. Who will get the final word? Let’s relate that to Travis Miller.

Not only have I already notched a victory up over him but I’ve knocked him out cold twice. The only way in which I could harm him more is if I killed him. In our sport, there is no better way to say I love you like knocking someone out. That’s why I’m the biggest monster that the HWF has ever seen. I make it my business to knock the Travis Millers of this world out. They don’t belong in the same ring as the Chris Champion’s of this world and I don’t see any reason to not point this out.

Who does Miller think he is anyway?

Last night I sat down in my Hotel room and was just about to carry on with some reading when Travis Miller flashes across my TV set. Naturally, I’m interested in what he’s going to say. So, I sat there and put my book down for a second as I expected some kind of public mercy begging plea. Can you imagine my surprise as Travis Miller begins to talk about rival wrestling Companies with some guy that I’ve never seen before in my life? It was a complete joke.

You’re in the HWF now, Travis. This is the major league. This is the big one. We don’t mess around with other wrestling companies. We just get on with wrestling our own kind. If you want to talk about other companies, I suggest you do it on their time and stop wasting perfectly good broadcasting hours. In fact, I think you’re nothing short of a disgrace.

Athletes such as myself kill ourselves every day to promote this federation in order to keep it at the top of the tree. What sort of impression are you giving off by spouting off about other wrestling federations? You know where the door is, Travis. Go and spout your propaganda bull shit somewhere else.

It was in that instant as I watched your interview that I realised I’d just become the hero of the HWF. I feel duty bound out of respect for the other guys in the locker room to crush you now. I’m here because I’m ready to mess with the big boys. No, scratch that. I am one of the big boys. But you know this already. You know what Chris Champion is all about.


I’ve destroyed you twice, Miller. I’ve beaten you once. I’m going into this match with a record that tells you that I’ve never been pinned. Do you think that’s going to change at all? Do you think that you’re going to be the man to tie my shoulders to the mat for the 3 count? No, Travis. It’s not happening, is it?

I watched on last night as you continued to embarrass yourself and your profession. You seem to have an obsession with repeating my name. The Educator. Chris Champion. What are you trying to prove to me, Travis? That you know my name? I’m impressed, Travis. I really am.

The funny thing is that you do actually have something to prove though.

Ever since you entered the HWF you’ve done nothing but prove to the masses how to lose a match successfully. You’re nothing but cannon fodder for the real men of the industry. At the present time, you’ve got to say that you’re nothing but cannon fodder for me. What other explanation can you offer as to why I’ve had your number on every occasion that we’ve met?

You’re one big cliché, Travis.

You talk about how you’re going to unveil a monster. You talk about how you’re the real deal. You talk about how you’re better than me. I’ve heard it all before, Travis. I could have actually turned on the TV and watched one of those mediocre wrestling companies that you mentioned and found something exactly similar coming from one of their guys. There’s no style to it. You’ve no style, Miller. You’re just the next guy. You’re just a run of the mill athlete that is in the biggest fish pond you’ve ever been faced with.

Maybe you’re used to being top dog in other companies?

I don’t know because I never bothered to watch such rubbish. My concern is the HWF. It always will be because that’s who I work for. This is more than a job to me though. This is the stuff that I have always hoped for. I’ve always knew that I was good enough to wrestle at a HWF PPV and now I’m getting that chance. I’m not particularly grateful for it because I knew that I was good enough. The chance would always come. The only question that begged was the issue of time. When would Champion finally enter the HWF?

The question has been answered.

You know, in five years time, I know I’m going to be a legend in this Company. I’ll have had title reign after title reign because I firmly believe that I’m the greatest athlete that the HWF has to offer. So, I stand on the verge of greatness, as my legacy begins. If I don’t beat you time and time again, Travis, there’s not going to be much hope for me, is there? How will I ever work my way up the ladder if I allow myself to be beaten by athletes like yourself? The management here won’t give me the matches I desire if I lose. It’s for that reason that I have to beat you time and time again. I’ve got to continue doing what I’m doing at the moment.

You should be honoured though, Travis. My place in history is waiting for me and therefore you’re going to have a place with me too. You’ll be known to the world as the man that The Educator used as a stepping stone to bigger things. You’ll be known as the man that was continually beaten as The Educator worked his way up the ladder. You’ll be known, and, more importantly, remembered as a loser.

I want you to watch my body language very closely when my music plays tonight, Travis. I want you to monitor how I walk through that curtain. I want you to look at a real wrestler.

I represent this Company wholeheartedly whereas you are nothing short of a joke. You’ve proved your worth to the HWF and now I’m going to kill off your career in an instant. Maybe I’m a little too intense here. The odds are that I’ll relax a bit as the evening wears on. However, I just hate what you’ve done, Travis. This is bigger than, dare I say it, me. You’ve embarrassed the HWF for the last time, Miller.

Tonight, I’ll embarrass you one more time in one more way. The games continue. The fight goes on. The question I ask is this: Where does it end? Where is the finish line?

The answer is that you’re going to find out pretty damn soon and I guarantee that I’m going to put you through HELL before you realise just how inferior you really are.

The Icon Killer.

Travis Miller.

Prepare to be Educated!”

[The camera gradually zooms out as the image of The Educator sitting on his own watching the ring assembly team is left as a constant reminder to what lies ahead. The camera cuts to an American Nightmare promo and the two men that remain in the final shot are Travis Miller and The Educator as the camera fades to black]