His name is Riamis, and he is-may be?-the last of his kind.

The High Ones sailed the skies, formless, shaping and reshaping themselves into whatever they willed. They traveled to learn, harming none and in return, expected to find that same kindness from all.

Was it arrogance or was it naivety that led to their downfall? Really, after so long, it shouldn't even matter any longer. What is important to consider is the fate of the navigator, Riamis.

The Trolls turned upon the Firstcomers and as a result, the Palace fell to the World of Two Moons, misplaced in time and spilling its inhabitants out onto the unforgiving landscape. As the High Ones fled from the stinking beasts of the planet, Riamis' people assumed that he had fallen to the humans like so many others. Thanks to the meddling of the Trolls, the cocoon of Riamis remained unopened, secreted away in a cave for reasons unspoken and long forgotten. There are periods of time when the slumbering High One reaches out with his mind, soul and body desperate for freedom denied…

So many years later, the elves continue to hide themselves from the ever-growing human race, tribes splitting, shrinking, spreading out onto those stretches of land still unnoticed by the five-fingers as the passing of years makes it more difficult for the 'spirit-people' to remain creatures of legend…

And now, there are those among the elfin races that begin to hear his Call…

More to Come
