***In Real Life***
Poetry by the Realist
Sherry Bocchicchio
© 1985-1999 All Rights Reserved

The Walk

Take a walk with me,
recite for me your poems.
We'll walk hand and hand,
together we will roam.

Tell me of your dreams,
and I'll share mine with you.
We'll count our every blessing
under skies so blue.

Join me by the pond,
it's there we'll make a wish,
we'll bring along a picnic lunch,
the scraps we'll feed the fish.

Feel with me God's carpet
as we stretch out on the ground
we'll enjoy quiet conversation
and a kinship rarely found.

Listen to the birds
how they sing in harmony.
'Wouldn't it be wonderful if
we could only be as free?'

Keep with you the serenity
that was ours for just awhile.
And when it's time to leave me,
know you left me with a smile.

C.V.B. March '99

A Mother's Love

For Nicholas and Eric with love

A mother's love is special,
the way it's meant to me,
it's not always perfect,
but given willingly.

A mother's love is timeless,
survives throughout the years,
it sees you through the good times,
supports in times of tears.

A mother's love is soothing,
warms when it is cold,
a mother's love is priceless,
it can't be bought or sold.

A mother's love is vital,
to makes ones spirit strong,
helps one feel secure,
lets you know that you belong.

A mother's love is magic,
yet no one know just why,
it's a love you feel forever,
a love that never dies.

C.V.B. 1990
Revisions made April '99

A Willow's Response

An Interactive Poem

Under a transparent guise of a fallen tree,
You express YOUR FEELINGS so masterfully.
Once again your emotions flare,
so nice to see the fire there.

But I must take exception to your claim,
You see,ostentation is not my shame.
To be set free, you must accept the truth,
You are the one who is so aloof.

But how is it that you could be so wrong
The animosity comes through, so very strong.
Through all your misconceptions, I can see
that you never sat under a willow tree.

Finally of our chance encounter, I must say,
That is was like getting a role in an enchanting play.
So please don't confuse my intrigue with delusion,
it was all just a fantasy, a romantic illusion.

C.V.B. '99

Bridge to Paradise

For a distant friend

No worry- forget the vast blue chasm,
fore we'll simply build a bridge,
as the pioneers built the railroads,
like the ancients raised the pyramids.

Yes, anything is possible,
let your imagination set you free.
Join me on an adventurous tour
that's reserved for you and me.

We'll be taken to faraway paradise,
just jump aboard your dreams.
Soon, we'll be smelling the wildflowers,
romping through fields of emerald green.

We'll climb the nearest mountain
and we'll hike up hand and hand.
When we reach the summit,
we'll embrace the beauty of His plan.

We'll have that picnic by the pond,
and indulge in fare sublime.
We'll feast on baguettes and wildberries,
become intoxicated by nature's wine.

We'll read from a book of sonnets,
and learn from words of rhyme.
We'll forget the present and the future,
Yes, we'll be transformed back in time.

We'll bathe in mighty waterfalls,
emerge to the warmth of the waiting sun.
We'll walk away with anticipation,
because the journey has just begun.

March 1998

Enchanted Village of Verse

There's an enchanted village,
its gateway, a magic box,
but you won't need a key,
'cause there are no locks.

Its a place of hopes and wishes,
and of cherished memories.
A place of tragedy and triumph.
and of dreamy fantasy.

Its a place of many insights,
and of deeper understanding,
a place of free expression,
no ordinance too demanding.

There, origin makes no difference,
because the language is of verse.
where feelings flow like rivers
and nothing is rehearsed.

A place where artists, musicians,
and great story tellers abound.
A place of colorful wisdom,
it's a place I'm glad I found.

March '99

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