The HMNZS Waikato Assn News

Minutes of the 2008 Annual General Meeting held on 29 November 2008

Present: Committee - Fred Wilson (SecretarylTreasurer), Joe Watt, Joe Bregmen. Bob lies. Members - Malcolm Harvey-Williams, Neil Cameron, Eddie Eide, Dave Hobman, Dennis Stringer, Charlie Barker, Barrie Chivers

The meeting opened at 1702. Apologies were sustained from Peter McHaffie, Barry King, Steve Streefkerk, Geoff Kelly, Sam West, John Iversen, Mike Watt, Jack Baigent, Bread Roll, Ron Smith.

Acknowledgement of Members who have Passed Over the Bar - The loss of Norman Mills in the past year was acknowledged with a minute's silence.

1. The Minutes of the 2007 Annual General Meeting held on 26 November 2007 were approved.
There were no matters arising.                                                   Watt/Barker

2. Presidents report for 2008 - There was no report.

3. Annual Accounts- The Annual Accounts were adopted.        Bregman/Barker

4. Election of Officers - The present Committee had indicated a willingness to stand again and there were no other nominations. The 2008 Committee elected unopposed comprises - John Tobin (Chairman), Joe Watt, Bob lies, Joe Bregmen, and Fred Wilson (SecretarylTreasurer).

5 Subscriptions- It was agreed that subscriptions remain at $10 for the next 3 years.    Watts/Bregman

6. General Business

  (a) There was widespread acknowledgement of the excellence of the organisation of the Labour Weekend Reunion      managed by Geoff Kelly and Scouse Newell and it was resolved that a letter of appreciation be sent.

  (b) Bob lies circulated photos from the reunion, copies of which can be obtained for $5 by contacting him at

  (c) Donation to the RSA. A donation of $50 to the East Coast Bays RSA for the generous use of the premises was approved.

  (d) The production of a new RNZN history, Service from the Sea, was acknowledged.

  (e) It was decided to hold the next AGM at 1130 on the second last Sunday in November to see if that time enabled more members to attend. The 2009 AGM will therefore be held on 22 November 2009 at 1130.


7. The meeting closed at 1725.


KF. Wilson

Hon Sec/Treasurer.