Water Pollution Pages - Index


The water pollution discussed in these pages is ground water pollution. The main aim is to try to quantify the cost per year of ground water pollution, particularly the cost deriving due to agriculture.

Table 1: Water pollution costs of UK agriculture, 1996
Type Cost (£million)
Pesticides in sources of drinking water 120
Nitrate in sources of drinking water 16
Phosphate and soil in sources of drinking water 55
Zoonoses (esp. Cryptosporidium) in sources of drinking water 23
Eutrophication and pollution incidents (fertilizers, animal wastes, sheep dips) 6
Monitoring and advice on pesticides and nutrients 11
Source: Pretty et al; An assessment of the total external costs of UK agriculture; Agricultural Systems Vol. 65, No. 2 (2000)

Created 24/01/2002
Last updated 30/05/2002
Copyright 2002 T Mackay