

  1. What are they?
  2. What are they not?
  3. Do they have a leader?
  4. I heard that they have their own form of language. Is this true?
  5. When do they turn animals?
  6. I want to be a bird, can I?
  7. Why not?
  8. Can there be hybrids?
  9. Can they have powers?
  10. How does the Change work?
  11. What can kill them?
  12. What is a soul-mate?
  13. How does that effect the Accalians?
  14. And they are…?
  15. What happens if they find their soul-mate?
  16. What happens if they don’t ever find their soul-mate?
  17. Who/what can be their soul-mates?

What are they?

They are a species that have adapted a form of Mimicry where they mimic the appearance of the human race. They are animals, not humans, so they still have the instinct like an animal. They are more intelligent than humans, and they teach their young at an early age how to mimic the behavior of humans. Yet some instincts just can’t be pushed aside….

What are they not?

Accalians are NOT werewolves!
Yes, there are lots of similarities. I will give you that. But there are also many differences that set the two creatures apart.
For starters: Accalians are not effected by the full moon, they can touch silver, they aren't haunted by the spirits of their old kills, and most Accalians are not even wolves.
And, the most important difference: Accalians are born animals. Their original form is animal. They turn into humans, as a survival tactic (called Mimicry in nature), and when they are with their own kind: they are animal.
They even have their own language: which is spoken through the mind because of the diversity in species.
Now, no more calling the Accalians, Werewolves. If you want to be a werewolf, then go away.

Do they have a leader?

Yes. At present the leader of the Accalians is a young woman born into the most powerful Accalians line. All the leaders take on the name Accalia after they are given full power. Only females may rule.

I heard that they have their own form of language. Is this true?

Yes. Because they come in such a diverse amount of animals, they have evolved with their own form of communication. They speak on direct waves of thought, from one mind to another. Now, this does not mean they can read each others mind. That is not possible. But they can send fully formed thoughts to one another and do so regularly.

When do they turn animals?

They are born animal. When they are with their families and away from the curious eyes of human, they return to their natural animal body.
Yet, other things can cause an Accalian to be forced back into their animal bodies:
--Accalians can not sleep in their human forms. They have to return to their animal bodies to rest. If they fall asleep by mistake; they will turn into their animal body wherever they are.
--If they show any signs of being tired, such as yawning, their body will start preparing to return animal. Things such as a thin layer of fur may grow, or their eyes will change shape, and so on, will occur.
--If they get knocked unconscious: they will return to their animal body.
--Extreme Pain will force an Accalian to turn back into their animal forms. They must always be careful.
--To digest food they have to be in their animal form. They may eat while human, but the food will not be digested till they return to their natural bodies.
--Hunger will make them change back to animal.
--The need to hunt or defend themselves will cause them to resume their animal body.
--To heal an Accalian must be in its natural form.
--If the injury is server, the Accalian will fall into a comatose state to heal properly. (This is why they all, even the felines, travel in large groups: for protection during this time)

I want to be a bird, can I?

No. Accalians can only be large mammals. No birds, no reptiles, no fish, and no insects. And no small mammals, like rodents, either. Large Mammals only!

Why not?

The main reason has to do with size. The differences in mass and weight will make it too difficult for an Accalian to turn into their human forms. Too much energy would be wasted. So much, in fact, that it could possibly be fatal to the Accalian.
The next reason is because of the differences in genetics. Humans are not cold-blooded, don’t have wings, breathe with lungs, and they don’t have more than two eyes. They are large mammals, it would make sense that the Accalians are as well.

Can there be hybrids?

No. Even though Accalians are very diverse in species, a wolf can not mate with a cougar and procreate, and vice versa. It is not genetically possible. To handle this problem the Accalians have evolved with a tactic that allows them to change the species of the one that choose as their mate. (Be it human, vamp, or another Accalian). Hybrids are simply impossible.

Can they have powers?

No. They are simply animals that mimic humans. No powers allowed.

How does the Change work?

Both participates must slit open the palms of their hand (willingly or not). Then, by holding hands, they allow their blood to mingle. They must do this twice in one day for the Change to begin.
This will allow them to transfer their DNA pattern to their mate
(can only take place between soul-mates) and change them into their species. So the cougar will exchange with the wolf, in turn the wolf’s genes will be forced to turn into that of a cougar.
While the process of change is very, very painful; it also uses a lot of energy on both sides (the cougar can negate the pain by taking half of it upon itself). Both will usually sleep for long periods of time afterward.

What can kill them?

Almost anything can kill an Accalian. They are not some kind of super-species. They can bleed just as easily as a human can. The only things that can not affect an Accalians’ health are diseases that commonly affect the human race. Remember, they are not genetically human. But, on the flip side of that, they are not immune to animals’ diseases. Canidae Accalians often die of things such as Parvo Viruses, while feline Accalians are known to be prone to felidae AIDS.

What is a soul-mate?

Sometimes, before a soul takes on its psychical form, it may split in half. Both halves of the soul take on two separate bodies. Mostly one male and one female: so the soul may enjoy and learn from both genders.
Yet, the soul is still broken. Both halves will feel a need to find the other half to themselves. And when they do meet it is said that they should recognize each other immediately.

How does that effect the Accalians?

Both genders of Accalians are effected differently. All are born with the knowledge that they must find their soul-mates. They must; or they will become out of control of their own life. To help encourage them to find their other half, each gender had their own set of problems that can only be ‘healed’ after they find their soul-mate.

And they are…?

For the Females :
--Female are very emotional. Not to say that they cry at everything. By emotional it means that when they are happy, they are
happy!, if they are sad...well, when it rains it pours.
--- Each female becomes addicted to something that is edible. Be it chocolate, pizza, caffeine, or even doughnuts. They will go out of their way to get it, from ice-cream binges, if that happens to be their obsession, to attacking a cop for the crumbs of his latest doughnuts. Anything is a target, and nothing can stop them. If they want it, might as well let them have it.

For the Males :
---They are more inclined to react to an instinctual urge. If the animal side wants to do something, even if they appear to be human at the time, the male will react to it. If this means scratching a rather improper itch, panting, growling, or whimpering: they will do as the animal bids.
--As the years pass they become more aggressive and are more likely to start a fight.

What happens if they find their soul-mate?

They balance each other. The female’s carvings, and the males urge to follow his instincts over intelligence, are both negated. The female will become more instinctual, yes, and the male will take on some of the females’ carvings. However both are so trivial, now, that they can easily be controlled.
The only thing that may be of annoyance after finding your soul-mate is the sudden and powerful emotion of possessiveness. They think only to protect their mate, even if they must die to do so. The males get uneasy when their mate gets to close to another male, and will do anything he can to make her get away. The females look at all other females as if they are competition that may take her mate away; which she will never allow.
Note: sometimes finding one’s mate can be so powerful it can become uncomfortable. Not all mates stay with each other. They aren’t happy away from their mates, but at least they feel more in control.

What happens if they don’t ever find their soul-mate?

They will slowly become out-of-control. The males may become so instinctual that they start chasing park squirrels. Someone is going to noticed that and he will be on his way to a rubber room. He may even turn animal while in the open public. This will get him killed. A female may start having regular food binges to the point of making herself ill.
At this point, the leader of the Accalians may place a warrant out against them. Other Accalians will have to kill them, because they are becoming a danger to themselves and their kindred.

Who/what can be their soul-mates?

Anything can be their soul-mate. Humans, vampires, witches, and other Accalians.
Note: in recent years Accalians have been more prone to have human soul-mates over those of their own kind. The reason for this has been speculated upon, and many think that it is because of how small the Accalian gene pool is. To strengthen their numbers and bring new blood to their gene pool, humans were brought in to supply the rising need.
Humans, you as you could guess, aren’t exactly happy about this.


Let it be known that all information is copyrighted to L. Beebe. Do not steal! If your still confused about the Accalians, please send all questions HERE and they will be added.