

  1. What is a Witch?
  2. What is a Male Witch called?
  3. What are a Witch’s powers?
  4. Can a Witch have a Familiar?
  5. What is a Familiar?
  6. What animals can be a Familiar?
  7. Are they effected by the Soul-Mate Principle?

What is a Witch?

A witch (in my personal views) is a separate species of Homo Sapien. They evolved right along side humans, took the same path in evolution, but at some point broke away to become a species of their own (think of the relation between a gorilla and an ape). While humans turned slowly towards technology to survive, witches slowly turned towards the natural patterns of the earth.
Witches are closer related (genetically speaking) to a ‘gifted human’ than they are to the average human. This means they are born with certain powers and abilities, which their families help them hone.
Obviously, there are more humans than there are witches. As humans grew in population, the numbers of witches began to fail. Many groups began to fall apart and some witches forgot the ways of their former lives. The few that do not know about their witch side are in constant danger from the Night Hunters, and are often picked on for their differences.
Recently the known witches are trying to find them before the Night Hunters can and teach them of their ways. Unfortunately(or fortunately, depending on you point of view), the Night Hunters continue to win this battle…

What is a Male Witch called?

A witch. Shocking, isn’t it? Just because you happen to be male does not mean you get a fancy name. All witches are part of one family, one species.
If you have to, for some unknown reason that drives you, have two separate names for the male and female halves of this group; refer to the terms: Sorcerer and Sorceress.
Why not a Warlock? The word warlock translates to "A liar, vowbreaker, or a back-stabber." To a male witch, being called such is actually quite offensive. This is a term commonly given to a male witch who has betrayed his coven, or gone bad.(females are Enchantresses) Why not a Wizard? Because Wizards like to work alone. There are loop holes in this theory, yes, but this is the most common method a wizard is known to use.

What are a Witch’s powers?

Anything of the earth can be a witch’s power. The traditional Earth, Air, Fire, Water are the most commonly practiced. They can create Charms, binding spells, potions (not poisons), and make herbal mixes for the ill. They can bless you, and curse you. Be creative, but not unrealistic!

Can a Witch have a Familiar?

Yes. In fact, they need one to help channel their energy. (some prefer gems and stones, but animals are much more powerful, energy-wise)

What is a Familiar?

An animal that a witch can connect with to heighten their energy level of awareness. By using a familiar, a witch can focus their energy through the animal with more power and force than they could alone.
Sometimes this can be dangerous to the animal, and many even die if a witch is not careful not to over-flood the levels in which the familiar can handle.
Also, witches must note that animals are not always cooperative. Many times their cat would much rather stalk the birds in the yard than stand still so you can cleanse and focus your energies. And a dog may prefer a romp around the block(go for walkies!) to the tarot reading you have planned for midnight. Because of this problem, many witches like to hire in a familiar. For this they look towards the Accalians, who are animals with thinking patterns similar to those of a human. Not all Accalians are willing to be a familiar, because of the dangers to their lives, so the witch better be willing to pay for their service.

What animals can be a familiar?

For those of you not associated with the history of witches, allow me to refresh your memory of the two most famous animals used (or accused of being) a witch’s Familiar. The infamous Black cat I am sure almost everyone remembers. Black cats (with green eyes) have the strongest energy of any familiar species alive. Next on the list is a Black dog, about the heft and girth of what we now call a Labrador Retriever(most were mutts). These Black dogs became infamously known as the messengers of the witches, and were often used in their practices.
Now, not all familiars are limited to these two animals. Almost any animal smaller than a tiger, but bigger than a frog, can be used as a familiar. Anything bigger, or smaller, will be uncontrollable in a domestic settling.

Are they effected by the soul mate principle?

Witches believed in Soul-Mates long before it became a principle.
Because it is already a part of their belief system, they evolved with no special problems that drives them to find their other half: they do so naturally.