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J C Milton
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Studbook Austraila
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Accredited Master Farrier & Consultant             Specialist in hoof reconstruction
        Member of NSW ,QLD, MRA (SINGAPORE)
                           36 years experienc
Terrry O'Sullivan- Farrier
Hoof Wall Rebuilding
Quarter Crack Repair
Hoof Wall Separations (Fungal)
Laminitis and Founder
Medial, Lateral & Toe Extensions
for Foals

The number one complaint from horse owners and trainers is the amount of riding and training time lost due to lameness in the hoof. Many times these problems can be corrected by a regular farrier, but in numerous cases the lameness is caused by a problem that your farrier does not see on a daily basis. This is when a specialist is needed to give advice, offer alternative procedures, or come and perform the actual work and advise the attending farrier as to the follow-up work.

Many professional trainers and horseman will agree, the quicker a specific hoof problem is dealt with by a specialist farrier, the less training time and fitness level will be lost.

As in many professional fields, certain products and procedures are not commonly used. The materials and procedures I use are not always common knowledge, or practiced by the majority of farriers in the world.

In dealing with specific foot problems, the cost will be higher in the long run if the regular farrier is just trying different ideas. But if the owner or trainer choose my type of service, the problem can usually be corrected more quickly, and in the long run will cost less.