Evil Oscar

Those of you, who played FF7 and 8 will probably remember an EXTREMELY annoying monster called a Malboro. It uses an attack called Bad Breath, which casts just about every status attack on all your characters. Unless you're equipped with the legendary Ribbon, you'll find it very hard to kill this fearsome beast. The bad news is, that Malboros also exist in FF6, but they have a different name, which is "Evil Oscar", that's right. Although that name sounds horrible, the creature itself fortunately isn't as powerful as the Malboros in the newer FF-games. This creature is simply so annoying it deserves its spot on the site.



For some reason, a Final Fantasy game can't exist if there isn't a man named Cid in it. There have been Cids in all Final Fantasies since FF2. Final Fantasy 6-Cid is as cool as always, although you may think he looks like a wuss (what's that he's wearing, a freakin' raincoat?) Unlike In FF4 and 7, where he was actually a member of your party, you won't be able to control the old guy in this game. Without spoiling the story too much, I can tell you that he's an old scientist working for the Empire and he's really good with machines, just like all good Cids.


Wedge, but no Biggs

Just like with Cid, it has become a tradition that there also has to be someone named Wedge, but his role has to be a lot less important than that of Cid. In both FF7 and 8 there have been a Wedge and a Biggs. These two were partners in some way or another, but not in FF6, because here the name of Wedge's partner is Vicks, and they look exactly the same.


World Map Music

After the "incident", you'll notice that the world map music changes and becomes very depressing. Later in the game, it'll change again and become very happy. But if you take your all time favorite airship and land somewhere in the area marked on the map (the Veldt), you'll hear a new tune when on the map, which will continue to play when in battles. If you take the ship, fly out of the area and land again, you'll hear the normal music.