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By mistake the first TLY has been erased from the forums.starwars.com archives. Fortunately one of the regular posters (Lynn Hado) had saved it to her computer.
With combined efforts (Odie and Wardi) the lost TLY has now been restored. Not quite to its former self, but the text is there -- for your viewing pleasure. :)
The content of the original TLY1 is copyright of Lucasfilm Ltd. and that applies to this site as well. This site has been created with the sole purpose of bringing the lost TLY back to life.
Navigating the site. Here you find a link to a page with links to all the pages. On each page you will find a link to the main link page and to the previous and next page applying to the page you are located on.
Please note: at the moment the home link doesn't work -- and I can't be bothered to fix it right now. :p
If you have any comments, please contacts us via this: thefirsttly@yahoo.com -- Thank you! :)