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Written by Dwight Adams

Jan. 5, 2234–Research into primary systems failure has yielded surprising results. Hypothesis predicts that the cause is the very virus that this facility produced. The means by which the virus entered our systems is also merely hypothesis, but it is supposed that heavy access of the Central Intelligence Network somehow increased the transfer speed of the virus. Consequently, it reached our own network and ship systems before we had achieved complete separation.
The loss of life support–and the loss of life–has been minimal. Rennel’s seemingly unending knowledge of computer systems has successfully repaired our computer systems and eliminated the virus. We have resumed course to Galaga. It will soon be my responsibility to fire and engineer the hyperspace gate. Given a little more time than planned, we will have landed and commenced colonization of Galaga.[log info lost]nly benefit gained from the systems failure is a final chance to see earth. Our virus appears to have been completely effective. Fusion plants and nuclear missile reserves are combusting across the entirety of the North and South American land masses. It can only be supposed that the virus has spread to other nations, and will eventually reach and fire the neutron bomb reserves of China as planned.

Petrov Ivanovich
Senior Engineering Chief

Feb. 5, 2234–Although the crash landing resulted in the loss of over half of our engineering crew and even more of the other personnel, damage evaluation has estimated success. This is, however, a definite setback, as we no longer have the materials or workers to construct the Home Cube. We will have to build our homes from pieces of the ship, but we will survive. At least we’re better off than earth. I may never return there as conqueror, and Rennel will soon die from loss of blood, but my children will one day rule the earth! [log info lost]
Due to the unique construction of our ship, we will be able to convert it into a peculiar lab and research facility. Our men are already at work clearing out the ship’s bio-lab for use in native animal research.

Petrov Ivanovich
Senior Engineering Chief, Chief Mission Commander

Feb. 27, 2234–I have taken up the responsibility of writing the mission log. It was a mistake to bring an electronic one and no paper; over 67% of the entries have been corrupted and lost.
Chief Mission Commander Ivanovich has been murdered. We don’t believe it is the fault of anyone in our crew–his death was somewhat unique. It seems that something has consumed him. I use the word ‘something’ because we have not yet sighted any carnivorous species on this planet.[log info lost]Most unique was that whatever consumed him ate his internal organs without opening his body. There were previous signs of ailment, so the possibility of microorganism infestation has been all but ruled out.

Carlos Garcia Garcia
Chief Bio-Engineer, Chief Mission Commander

Mar. 8, 2234–We have successfully captured a[log info lost]ty. How the EDE came to live on this planet we do not know. How it came to be in the first place we do not know. If there are any more of it we don’t know. We only know that it has murdered 12 of our men. Study of the creature is limited, as the only means of containing it is by electromagnetic fields. We cannot achieve direct contact without risking it’s attack. We discovered this through the loss of the bone in Kelsie’s arm the other day. I told her not to try to touch[log info lost]

Carlos Garcia Garcia
Chief Bio-Engineer, Chief Mission Commander

July 12, 2294–...meanwhile, the seasons on Tundra 1 consider to baffle researchers.
Construction of the battle fleet is going well, as the Battle Command Barge has been completed and will soon be launched.
In other news, research of the EDE has become increasingly more perplexing. Scientist studying the creature have determined that it is an intelligent life form, but that the beast has become unstable in its synthetic environment. The search for more such life forms is still underway. Now for sports...

Bernor Tactiq, Reporter
Galaga Galactic News

July 12, 2294–Life is hard. A struggle, in fact, just to survive. I have seen so many die of radiation, with no means of ending the suffering. How this all happened is almost unknown. Study of century old text refers to the Galaga Initiative as a possible suspect for future calamities. Of course, future calamities a century ago could have referred to